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Q: JavaScript code needed for form handling ( No Answer,   3 Comments )
Subject: JavaScript code needed for form handling
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: herbet-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 08 Apr 2003 00:19 PDT
Expires: 08 May 2003 00:19 PDT
Question ID: 187553
I have an HTML form with three input boxes; txtPrice, txtUnits and
 txtPrice – is a dollar value, formatted to 4 decimal places (ie
 txtUnits – is a numeric value formated to 4 decimal places (ie
 txtTotal – is a dollar value formatted to 2 decimal places (ie

I need to develop robust, browser independent code that will handle
the onChange event for each box to:
1. Check that text input is correct (simply blank the box and exit if
non-numeric data is entered)
2. Correctly format the data input
3. Calculate the value in the third box, given any two data inputs.
    txtTotal = txtPrice * txtUnits (rounded to 2 decimal points)
    txtPrice = txtTotal / txtUnits (rounded to 4 decimal points)
    txtUnits = txtTotal / txtPrice (rounded to 4 decimal points)

Code should be efficient, modulised, well documented and presented in
a single HTML document.

Clarification of Question by herbet-ga on 09 Apr 2003 07:08 PDT
SacGen, no attachments are necessary. Simply post your plain-text
answer as a complete HTML document, so that it can be simply
cut-and-paste to a text editor for testing. ie

 <title>test page</title>
 <!-- your answer here -->

Clarification of Question by herbet-ga on 18 Apr 2003 21:02 PDT
Sacgen this code works perfectly and I want to close the question.
However, if hammer is correct I don't think I can pay you through this
system. Frankly, this is silly as you have well earned your payment.
Are you able to register as a Google researcher?
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: JavaScript code needed for form handling
From: sacgen-ga on 09 Apr 2003 06:35 PDT

I am new to this question answer system!!

I have done the complete program as per your specifications and is
tested throughly. But I do not know how to post the answer to your
question on this system. If you know the way, please let me know!!

Subject: Re: JavaScript code needed for form handling
From: hammer-ga on 12 Apr 2003 06:03 PDT

You can post your code as a comment. You don't get paid for this, but
you get to share your knowledge, and herbet-ga gets a free answer!
Only Researchers can post official answers and collect payment, but
Commenters can certainly "answer" questions in the comments area. The
part that is against the Terms of Service is posting your email
address and requesting direct contact.

- Hammer
Subject: Re: JavaScript code needed for form handling
From: sacgen-ga on 13 Apr 2003 22:18 PDT

Here is the piece of code that I wrote earlier. Please let me know if
it works as you wished!
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">

	function DoRequired (StrName,nValue)
			var txtTextBox = new String(StrName);
			var tempString = new String(nValue);
			//Perform Numeric Check
					if (StrName.toString()=="txtPrice")             		
	             	else if (StrName.toString()=="txtUnits")
	             	else if (StrName.toString()=="txtTotal")
	             	alert("Please enter Numeric value");
             	switch (StrName)
             		case "txtPrice" :
 				           			formatValue(tempString, 4, 0);
										if(document.forms(0).elements(1).value != "")
											nTotal =	document.forms(0).elements(0).value *
											nTotal = Math.round(nTotal*100)/100;
											document.forms(0).elements(2).value = nTotal;
											tempString = new String(nTotal);
											formatValue(tempString, 2, 2)
										else if(document.forms(0).elements(2).value != "")
											nUnits = document.forms(0).elements(2).value/document.forms(0).elements(0).value;
											nUnits = Math.round(nUnits*10000)/10000;
											document.forms(0).elements(1).value = nUnits;
											tempString = new String(nUnits);
											formatValue(tempString, 4, 1)
	             	case "txtUnits" :
				             			formatValue(tempString, 4, 1);
				             			if(document.forms(0).elements(0).value != "")
											nTotal =	document.forms(0).elements(0).value *
											nTotal = Math.round(nTotal*100)/100;
											document.forms(0).elements(2).value = nTotal;
											tempString = new String(nTotal);
											formatValue(tempString, 2, 2)
										else if(document.forms(0).elements(2).value != "")
											nUnitPrice =
											nUnitPrice= Math.round(nUnitPrice*10000)/10000;
											document.forms(0).elements(0).value = nUnitPrice;
											tempString = new String(nUnitPrice);
											formatValue(tempString, 4, 0)
					case "txtTotal" :
										formatValue(tempString, 2, 2);
										if(document.forms(0).elements(0).value != "")
											nUnits = document.forms(0).elements(2).value/document.forms(0).elements(0).value;
											nUnits = Math.round(nUnits*10000)/10000;
											document.forms(0).elements(1).value = nUnits;
											tempString = new String(nUnits);
											formatValue(tempString, 4, 1)
										else if(document.forms(0).elements(1).value != "")
											nUnitPrice =
											nUnitPrice= Math.round(nUnitPrice*10000)/10000;
											document.forms(0).elements(0).value = nUnitPrice;
											tempString = new String(nUnitPrice);
											formatValue(tempString, 4, 0)

//New function : This is reusable function which serves as a
independent serice responsible for formatting the data
//					The function accepts the value as entered by user, Number of
digits after the decimal point
// 					and the index of the elements as a paramenter. It determines
how many zeros are to be padded
//					in order to have the required number of digits after decimal

	function formatValue(tempString, nDecimalDigits, nElementIndex)
		n=""; // variable to hold the decimal part of the entered value
		if(tempString.indexOf('.')!=-1) //If Decimal point exists then
        	n=tempString.substr(tempString.indexOf('.')+1); //Extract the
decimal digits of the number
        	if(n.length <= nDecimalDigits)
	        		result = nDecimalDigits - n.length; //calculate how many
zeros are to be padded to the right
   		     		for(i=0; i<result; i++)
						tempString = tempString + "0"; //pad the zeros to the right 
					document.forms(0).elements(nElementIndex).value =
tempString;	//set the formatted string in the textbox
					if (nElementIndex	==2)	
Math.round(document.forms(0).elements(nElementIndex).value * 100)/100;
Math.round(document.forms(0).elements(nElementIndex).value *
       	if (nElementIndex!=2)
document.forms(0).elements(nElementIndex).value + ".0000";}
document.forms(0).elements(nElementIndex).value + ".00";}
<FORM NAME="GoogleAssign" ACTION="">
<TABLE BORDER = 0 width="447">
<TD width="125"><B>&nbsp;&nbsp; Unit Price</B></TD><TD
width="132"><B>Number of Units</B></TD><TD width="170"><B>&nbsp;
  Total Price</B></TD>
<TD width="125">$<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="txtPrice" SIZE=10 VALUE=""
<TD width="132"><INPUT NAME="txtUnits" SIZE=10 VALUE=""
<TD width="170">$<INPUT NAME="txtTotal" SIZE=15 VALUE=""

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