Dear edgreen 321,
Thanks for your question. First, let me request that if any of the
following is unclear or if you require any further research – please
don’t hesitate to ask me for a clarification.
I was able to locate quite a few result sets for you – let me know
what you think. Typically, you'll see that convenience and price
rule, but the various surveys and reports manage to provide a wide
spectrum of reasons. Note the UCLA report below, it is especially
through and comprehensive.
Why do you shop online?
Convenience 22%
Price 59%
Quality 0%
Selection 10%
Other 1%
Don't shop online. 7%
Why do you browse and shop e-Commerce web sites?
Try different combinations of replies and you’ll receive statistics
about various groups of online shoppers (cluster-like definitions, if
you’re familiar with demographic clusters), as well as short
descriptions of the behavior of individuals belonging to such groups.
Why Do People Shop Online? Convenience!
The convenience of shopping online remains the primary driver of
shopping site traffic and sales, according to Retail Forward.
Top Reasons for Shopping Online:
Can shop anytime: 84%
Easier than shopping at stores/via catalogs: 65%
Dislike dealing with holiday crowds at malls/stores: 62%
Access to products, brands, stores not available where I live/work:
Received special promotion(s) to purchase online: 38%
From Internet Users Consumer Panel, November 2001, Retail Forward,
(includes a lot of great information on shopping online!)
Why do people shop online?
Short article, some good insights.
Three Keys to A Successful Web Presence
“Why do people shop online? James Vogtle of Boston Consulting Group
summarizes it best: "Online retailing will work because of one
fundamental driver. Consumers love it."”
More good info on eCommerce, stats etc.
See Source:
Why do People Shop on the Internet?
EXCELLENT RESOURCE – UCLA Internet Report – Surveying the Digital
Future – available online in .pdf format – includes graphs and lots of
statistics – see especially from page 40 on, and page 42 for an
analysis of why people shop online.
Why do you shop on the Internet?
Why do you shop on the internet?
Convenience 44.44%
Privacy 0%
Saves Time 33.33%
I don't shop online 22.22%
(live survey)
From First Monday
“Internet shopping offers an important price advantage. Internet
retailers can sell items at a lower cost since they have lower
overheads (at least in theory). This means that for some items, online
shopping - as with mail order shopping - will attract consumers for
whom cost is the most important factor. However, cost, as with the
other factors described above, can influence individual consumers in
different ways. For some of the people we interviewed, searching for
the cheapest price was something of an end in itself and they would go
to the extent of checking with numerous Web sites and online stores
until they made a purchase…”
See also:
Online Shopping Statistics: Opportunities for Canadian eTailers
If Canada is of interest, a lot of relevant statistics here:
Experienced Internet Shoppers Satisfied with Online Shopping
Great statistics and survey results from Cyberatlas – an excellent
source for any and all statistics related to the Internet and
eCommerce –,1323,6061_278991,00.html
eCommerce specific stats, July 1999 through March 2003 –,1323,6081_157001,00.html
Online Shopping Stats from
Online Shopping Statistics
55 million Americans will shop online this holiday season (Andersen
Despite last year’s problems, 84 percent will shop online as much as
or more than last year (Institute for Online Commerce).
Online holiday sales will be $11.6 billion — up from $7 billion last
year (Jupiter Research).
The number of people willing to use their credit cards online has
doubled from last year, to 40 percent (Institute for Online Commerce).
The online sales industry expects a 40 percent increase in U.S.
customers — meaning about 35 million people will shop online this
holiday season (Jupiter Research).
More than 6 million people are expected to spend the majority of
their holiday budgets online this year — an increase of 294 percent
from 1999 (Jupiter Research).
Half of all Americans will still be shopping for gifts in the last
week (International Mass Retailers Association)
Some more stats
Global stats on online shopping –
Some Forrester stats and brief on online shopping,1769,576,00.html
Finally, don’t miss NUA – ran a search on “shopping online” there,
here are the results:
I hope this response adequately addresses your request. Please let me
know if you are in need of additional information concerning this
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