A web page called "Successful Aging" offers a good overview of the
many theories and definitions of "successful aging."
Visit the site at aging.go.th for more information:
Additional definitions and theories:
" 'Successful aging means living a very long time with minimal health
concerns, minimal loss of function, and satisfactory engagement with
The idea of successful aging has many aspects to it, and depending on
the researcher, different definitions (2). No one definition is widely
accepted at present by experts. Objectively measuring some aspects of
successful aging is very difficult, therefore it may take many years
for a common consensus to occur (2). What is relevant for you and me
today is to decide what successful aging really means to us
individually. On a personal basis, everyone can define successful
aging according to their own terms. For example, longevity and even
wealth are not necessarily in the equation for some people. As long
they feel they have accomplished their key goals in life, they feel
they have aged successfully"
source: "A New Era of Successful Aging", hosted by Retirement
Challenge.com, cached by Google:
"Dr. Anne Murray says that 'successful aging' means maintaining three
states: (2000)"
[1] "High mental and physical function Exercise has been shown to
improve energy level, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of
heart disease, late-onset diabetes, and depression all of which can
increase lifespan and help a senior maintain independence."
[2] "Active engagement with life Remaining mentally active may
decrease the risk or delay the onset of memory loss and dementia such
as Alzheimer's disease."
[3] "Low risk of disease and disease-related disability Preventive
medicine to avoid the onset, or slow the progression of, major
illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer is the
other essential component of successful aging."
source: AGING, on efmoody.com
"Most of us think of the aging process as a time of deterioration, but
a concept encouraged by health care professionals who care for older
people is turning the table on that myth.
'Successful aging' means growing older without a lot of the maladies
so often associated with aging: memory loss, disabilities, diseases.
The good news is that 'successful aging' isn't just a catch phrase,
says Nancy Stiles, M.D., a geriatrician (an internal-medicine
physician who specializes in the care of older people) at the
University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center.
'Our society still has the misconception that as you get older, it's
normal to have memory loss, to lose weight, to slow down, and to
experience overall decline. That's simply not true,' Stiles says."
source: kentuckyliving.com
"Successful aging means something different to everyone: adapting to a
new lifestyle without traditional routines; long-term care at home;
insuring that loved ones in institutions receive good care; staying
healthy; keeping up with family and friends; taking computer classes
to keep up with grandchildren; making wise health insurance choices;
and finding a job."
source: "Elder Law News," hosted by oast-hook.com, cached by Google
"Successful aging means giving to others joyously whenever one is
able, receiving from others gratefully whenever one needs it, and
being greedy enough to develop one's own self in between."
source: George Vaillant MD, "Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a
Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development";
2002, quoted in an article on ohsu.edu, cached by Google
"Successful aging means that people will be able to live their later
years with a greater sense of contentment, self determination and
source: University of British Columbia
"How would you characterize successful aging?
I'm not sure I know precisely what the term "successful aging" means.
If by successful aging you mean continuing to be active and involved
and productive, not withstanding that one is older than 65 years of
age, then that might be a good definition of successful aging."
Source: Retired Congressman Louis Stokes, quoted on benrose.org
"Successful aging involves the ability to complete our lifetime with a
balance of inner resources as well as material ones. This would
* Recognizing and enjoying the contributions we have made to family,
work, and community.
* Continuing intellectual and spiritual growth.
* Maintaining good health and increased physical vigor.
* Passing on a legacy of love, courage, and compassion to the future."
Source: Dallas Library: Senior Services
"'Successful aging means finding something to lose sleep over again.'
-- Gail Sheehy"
source: stressfreelivingmagazine.com
"Neighbor to Neighbor also promotes 'successful aging' for elders.
Successful aging means helping elders remain healthy andmobile,
developing a sense of worth, and maintaining physical and spiritual
source: Americorps: Neighbor to Neighbor
"Successful aging means that the persion is able to get into their
older years feeling well physically, mentally and emotionally."
Source: Kay Mitchell, M.D. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
"Successful aging means the ability to maintain three key behaviors or
Low risk of disease
High mental and physical function
Active engagement with life"
Source: Successful Aging: The MacArthur Foundation Study.
Hosted by slhi.org, cached by Google:
"Successful aging means prolonging security, involvement,
satisfaction, autonomy, integration and creativity over the life
course (Earle, 1999)."
Source: Utoronto.ca, cached by Google
"Successful aging means participation in meaningful activities or
having a hobby that sustains them. Most do not live in the past, but
rather are well informed in the present."
I notice that two books on this subject seem to cited quite
frequently. You might consider looking for them at you local library
or bookstore. The books are:
"Successful Aging"
by Robert Louis Kahn, John Wallis Rowe,
Available from Amazon.com
"Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark
Harvard Study of Adult Development"
by M.D. George E. Vaillant
Available from Amazon.com
search strategy:
"successful aging means"
"successful aging involves"
"successful aging is"
I hope this helps. |