I interpreted your question to mean that you want to access mail that
is coming from a POP server directly to your current Outlook box, only
from a remote location or a location other than your home computer.
This can be different from accessing mail from a web-based email
account. Web based email services such as Hotmail primarily offer a
small amount of space and are free to use. You sign up, you give your
new @hotmail (or whatever) name to the people you want to correspond
with, and they send you mail directly to the Hotmail server.
Some ISP's offer both POP and Web based email systems so you can
download mail from their mail server either into your web mail box or
your Outlook box, OR both!
If you want to access your POP account, that is make the mail coming
from Opt Online's mail server available for downloading and viewing on
any computer, you can do one of two-three things:
1) You can sign up with (for one example) and input
OptOnline's mailserver information into the POP Mail section on
Hotmail. You will need OptONline's POP server address (you can find
this in your Outlook preferences or from OptOnline but it's usually
going to be or mailserver.optonline or something
similar). You of course need your mail account's username and
Once you put in the POP address into the field in Hotmail, you can
download mail from OptOnline's servers for viewing in Hotmail. Also,
you can set it up so that the mail REMAINS on OptOnline's servers so
when you get back to your home computer you can redownload the same
mail. This is in case you want to have copies in your Outlook box.
The mail that comes in from your POP account will have a different
symbol next to it to differentiate it from mail that is coming
directly to your Hotmail account (your name).
I have done this and it works very well. You can even POP more than
one account. The last time I used Hotmail I believe they allowed up to
4 or 5 accounts.
2) If your ISP has this feature, you can have the mail coming into
your OptOnline account forwarded to another, web based email address.
Inquire with your ISP as to whether this option is available with
Another way I know of to access mail remotely, although I rarely use
it, is TelNet. This would require you to have a command line in DOS,
though so it is not web based. It is good if you are using a friend's
computer and they have Windows. You just need to have the information
to TelNet into your email account. I have little experience with this
but my friend does it quite often. It's also completely text based
since it's in DOS so you won't have a graphical interface (GUI) and
will need to enter commands to move around your mailbox. You need to
bring up your MS-DOS prompt to begin.
I went to OptimumOnline's website and found a very helpful FAQ page
which I will address your concerns:
OptimumOnline Support for WebMail,3994,channel%3D68%26article%3D1993857%26type%3Dreg,00.html#webmail
"Q: How do I sign up for Optimum Online Webmail?
A: Webmail is a FREE service provided to all Optimum Online
subscribers. There is no need to sign up. Simply proceed to the log in
page and sign in with your user id and password. You can log in from
the Optimum Online homepage at by clicking on
the green Webmail icon at the upper-right corner of the page."
OptimumOnline Server Names
"Q: What are my POP3 and SMTP server names?
Good luck!
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