I would like to have a list of the Bataan Death March casualties and
surviors along with information about the men's home state, etc. |
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Apr 2003 17:56 PDT
This would be exceptionally difficult even without your added request
of information about each prisoner's home state since not all
prisoners went to the same camp, survived the ordeal or were from the
US at all (some were even civilians believe it or not).
For the price you have selected, I can direct you to a database where
you can search for these people yourself if that will suffice, or
alternatively, if you are looking for someone in particular I would
offer to search for you.
Clarification of Question by
11 Apr 2003 00:48 PDT
I am sorry to have asked such an uninformed question. I am looking
for information about a cousin that was on that march that survived.
I only remember that we called him "Buba" and he was from Texas,(of
course). I don't remember his last name.
Also, I am looking for information about a great uncle named Robert
(Bob) Cochran, born in Ohio and lived in California. He died sometime
during the march or a camp.
Hope this helps.
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Apr 2003 12:55 PDT
As I mentioned, I can direct you to a database where you can search
for these people yourself if that will suffice as an answer. Without a
name, of course, you will have to search it yourself to see if any of
the names jogs your memory. I have no way of searching for this
relative of your without his name. Would you like me to give you this
database as an answer?
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Apr 2003 13:00 PDT
I should also mention that ROBERT COCHRAN, who died in captivitiy in
the Philippines, is indeed listed among them.
Clarification of Question by
14 Apr 2003 22:56 PDT
It would be good if you would direct me to the database where I might
search. Will it be the data base where you found Robert Cochran's
name? Anyway, thank you very much.