Hello nggd-ga,
It seems as though you just want to prepare for the AP exams, although
you may also want to be in an actual online course.
If you want to study independently for the AP exams, the best tactic
would be to buy review books (I recommend Princeton Review) from
Amazon.com. These books are generally very clear and concise, telling
you only the information that you'll need for the exams. A textbook,
however, may also be a good idea if you'd like a more in-depth view of
the subject. The review books not only teach you all you have to know
for the exams, but they also include many practice multiple choice and
free response questions, tips for taking the test, and even full
length practice exams. This method will be quite cheap as your only
costs will be the books, and you can move at whatever pace you're
comofortable with.
However, if you'd like to take a structured online course, I've found
two options.
The first is <a href="http://epgy.stanford.edu/"
target"_new">EPGY</a>: Education Program for Gifted Youth. These
courses are fairly structured and are taught through multimedia
presentations online. However, you will have to apply to this program
if you'd like to participate. It offers many advanced courses in
music, computer science, english, physics, and mathematics. Most of
these courses can be begun on the first of any month.
The second option is <A href="http://www.apex.netu.com/default.asp"
target="_new">Apex Learning</a>. They offer over 10 AP courses in
varying subjects. They also have study materials if you don't want to
enroll in their semester-structured courses.
For both programs, you will have to start and end on certain dates --
there are no programs that allow you to move entirely at your own
Possible useful links: <A
target="_new"> The Official AP Web Site</a> -- offers information on
exams, real multiple choice and free response questions, how well
students have done on exams in the past, along with lots of other info
Let me know if I can do anything else to help. |