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Q: MS Access question ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: MS Access question
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: ratan-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 10 Apr 2003 08:52 PDT
Expires: 10 May 2003 08:52 PDT
Question ID: 188808
I have a report (similar to an invoice) generated by the program
Access  that I would like to send via email from the same window of
the report ( in Access) in a manner that will preserve the formatting
of the report and NOT send it as an attachment in the email ( in other
words, the report must appear with the original formatting intact in
the body of the email.) Please advise how this can be done. I use
Outlook Express as my email client.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: MS Access question
From: hammer-ga on 11 Apr 2003 12:32 PDT
You use OutputTo to output your report to a text file, then you use
Outlook automation to read it back in and make an Outlook message with
it. Here is an example of doing this with an HTML file from a
newsgroup posting by Lyle Fairfield.

Sub test()
    sendHTML "C:\My Documents\Interdev\WebCalendar\WebCalendar_Local
End Sub

Sub sendHTML(vStrPath As String)
    Dim cSME As New clsSendMailEarly
    Dim lngFileNumber As Long
    Dim strHTML As String
    strHTML = String(FileLen(vStrPath), vbNullChar)
    lngFileNumber = FreeFile()
    Open vStrPath For Binary As #lngFileNumber
    Get #lngFileNumber, , strHTML
    Close #lngFileNumber

    With cSME
        .DeleteAfter = True
        .MessageHTMLBody = strHTML
        .Recipients = "Lyle Fairfield"
        .Subject = "PopUp Calendar Script"
    End With

    Set cSME = Nothing

End Sub

' clsSendMailEarly
' Early Bound (the literal constants ae probably unnecessary here
' but this is a midification of a later bound class where they are

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Const conMailItem As Byte = 0
Const conMailTo As Byte = 1
Dim OLApp As outlook.Application
Dim OLMsg As outlook.MailItem
Dim OLRcp As outlook.Recipient
Dim OLAtt As outlook.Attachment

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set OLApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OLMsg = OLApp.CreateItem(conMailItem)
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set OLAtt = Nothing
    Set OLRcp = Nothing
    Set OLMsg = Nothing
    Set OLApp = Nothing
End Sub

Property Let Recipients(ByVal vStrRecipients As String)
    Set OLRcp = OLMsg.Recipients.Add(vStrRecipients)
    OLRcp.Type = conMailTo
End Property

Property Let Attachment(ByVal vStrAttachmentPath As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err = 0 And Len(Dir(vStrAttachmentPath)) <> 0 Then
        Set OLAtt = OLMsg.Attachments.Add(vStrAttachmentPath)
        OLAtt.Position = 0
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
End Property

Property Let Subject(ByVal vStrSubject As String)
    OLMsg.Subject = vStrSubject
End Property

Property Let MessageBody(ByVal vStrMessageBody As String)
    OLMsg.Body = vStrMessageBody
End Property

Property Let MessageHTMLBody(ByVal vStrMessageHTMLBody As String)
    OLMsg.HTMLBody = vStrMessageHTMLBody
End Property

Property Let DeleteAfter(ByVal vBooDelete As Boolean)
    OLMsg.DeleteAfterSubmit = vBooDelete
End Property

Sub send()
End Sub

Best regards,

- Hammer
Subject: Re: MS Access question
From: ratan-ga on 11 Apr 2003 13:12 PDT
Thanks a million, Hammer. I will try it out and update.
Subject: Re: MS Access question
From: decorei-ga on 28 Apr 2003 07:48 PDT
// Sub
Sub SendMail(From, To, Subject, Body, BodyFormat, MailFormat)
	Set CDONTS = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")

		.BodyFormat = BodyFormat
		.MailFormat = MailFormat 
	        .From = From
		.To = To
		.Subject = Subject
		.Body = Body
	End With

	Set CDONTS = Nothing
End Sub

// Call
From = ""
To = ""
Suject = "Report HTML"

Body = "<html>"
Body = Body + "<body>"
Body = Body + "<table>"
Body = Body + "<tr><td><b>Column 1</b></td><td><b>Column 2</b></td></tr>"
Body = Body + "<tr><td>AAAA</td><td>BBBB</td></tr>"
Body = Body + "<tr><td>AAAA</td><td>BBBB</td></tr>"
Body = Body + "<tr><td>AAAA</td><td>BBBB</td></tr>"
Body = Body + "<tr><td>AAAA</td><td>BBBB</td></tr>"
Body = Body + "</table>"
Body = Body + "</body>"
Body = Body + "</html>"

EnviaEmail From, To, Subject, Body, 0, 0

Subject: Correct URL
From: decorei-ga on 28 Apr 2003 07:54 PDT

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