Hello airin1-ga,
I presume that you are looking for a copy of these procedures. They
are contained on the last four pages of this document:
"Methods of Acceptance for Mechanic/IA Refresher Course"
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
As explained on the first page of the next document, "In December
1999, HBAW 95-03A was incorporated into FAA Order 8300.10,
Airworthiness Inspectors Handbook, chapter 27, Renew of Inspection
Authorization, Change 12." (Similar information is on the first page
of the first document I have cited.)
"Chapter 27. Methods of Acceptance for Mechanic/IA Refresher Course"
As bobbie7-ga noted, the FAA lists these procedures as cancelled.
According to the second page of the following document, these
procedures were cancelled on 10/31/02.
"Appendix 3. Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin Index for
Airworthiness (HBAW)"
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Searched on Google for:
site:gov 95-03a
95-03a 8300.10
Searched on FAA web site for:
95-03a |