Hello debra1143:
Thanks again for the interesting question.
My research has come up with the following private equity firms the
specialize in the three given areas. I think that the firms I've found
represent an interesting cross-section of private equity investors. I
found many, many other companies that invest in these areas, but the
following ones seemed to *specialize* in these areas more than the
Functional Foods
Company: Cybus Capital
Fund: tecTERRA Food Capital Fund
Source: http://www.seedquest.com/News/releases/usa/misc/n3821.htm
Quote: "This transaction marks the tecTERRA Fund's first investment in
a rapidly growing functional foods sector -- the soy foods market.
Industry analysts suggest that annual soy food sales will exceed $6
billion by 2005."
Homepage: http://www.cybus.com/
Company: Sherbrooke Capital
Fund: Sherbrooke Capital Health and Wellness
Source: http://www.sherbrookecapital.com/about_sherbrooke.shtml
Quote: "Sherbrooke Capital focuses on investing in several of the most
dynamic segments within the health and wellness arena, including:
functional foods and beverages..."
Homepage: http://www.sherbrookecapital.com/index.shtml
Company: Key Kosmont LLC
Source: http://www.keykosmont.com/industry/industry.html
Quote: "Key Kosmont believes several emerging trends will direct its
investments in food companies, as follows: ... Functional foods will
increasingly be used to deliver nutritional supplements and vitamins
and drugs to an aging nation."
Homepage: http://www.keykosmont.com/index.html
Consumer Products
Company: MIC Capital
Funds: SK Equity Fund, SKM Equity Fund II, SKM Equity Fund III,
Catterton-Simon Partners III, Catterton-Simon Partners IV
Source: http://www.miccapital.com/portfolio/portfolio_0f.htm
Homepage: http://www.miccapital.com/index.html
Company: Trivest
Fund: Trivest Brands
Source: http://trivest.com/PressReleases/3_21_02.BrandsMichaelGillen.htm
Quote: "Trivest Partners, L.P. ('Trivest') announced today the
formation of Trivest Brands and appointed Michael Gillen as its
President and Chief Executive Officer. Trivest Brands will focus on
acquiring branded consumer products businesses in an array of sectors
including housewares, electronics, and food."
Homepage: http://trivest.com/
Company: SB Partners
Source: http://www.sbpartners.com/criteria/index.html
Quote: "Consumer Goods and Services - We will invest in consumer goods
and services businesses that have achieved a strong market position
through proprietary products or services, brand name recognition or
unique distribution channels. SB Partners seeks companies with a
strong service orientation that results in high customer loyalty and
excellent customer knowledge."
Homepage: http://www.sbpartners.com/default.htm
Company: Summit Partners
Source: http://www.summitpartners.com/portfolio/portfolio_list.aspx?MID=3&SID=301&industryID=9
Homepage: http://www.summitpartners.com/default.aspx
Company: Veronas Suhler Stevenson
Fund: Private Equity Fund I/II/III
Source: http://www.veronissuhler.com/articles/article_211.html
Quote: "VS&A Communications Partners III is one of the largest private
equity fund devoted exclusively to investments in the media,
communications, and information industries."
Homepage: http://www.veronissuhler.com/index.cfm
Company: Clarity Partners LLP
Source: http://www.claritypartners.net/about.html
Quote: Clarity Partners is a private equity firm focused exclusively
on investments in communications, media and related services and
technologies within those sectors."
Homepage: http://www.claritypartners.net/
Company: BCI Partners
Source: http://www.bcipartners.com/overview.html
Source: "Our
goal is to assist the committed entrepreneur take a company to the
next level within our proven areas of expertise that include media and
entertainment, communications, business services, software and the
Homepage: http://www.bcipartners.com/
Company: WaterView Advisors LLC
Source: http://www.waterviewllc.com/Waterview/web/me.get?WEB.HOME&SESSION_WEBSECTIONS_CURRENT=MS212_607
Quote: "Long-term capital appreciation through private equity
investments in media, telecommunications and entertainment
Homepage: http://www.waterviewllc.com/Waterview/web/me.get?web.home
I hope this information helps with your research.
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Thank you.
Search Strategy (on Google):
"functional foods" equity private
"consumer products" equity private
media OR entertainment equity private
"functional food" "equity fund"
"consumer products" "equity fund"
media OR entertainment "equity fund" |