Clarification of Answer by
11 Apr 2003 15:11 PDT
As with any service, we can only know what you tell us. Of course,
there was no way to know what you had tried and what you had not
tried. The database provided is likley the most complete list there
is. Assuming that any travel agency is in the business of booking
travel to any location, the agencies found in the database would all
qualify as capable of booking travel to New York.
If your "Plan B" is to obtain a list of all agencies in Texas,
California and Florida which provide travel booking to New York,
again, these can be obtained from the database provided. If you are
asking if it is possible to contact each and every one individually
and inquire if they can book travel to New York, you are asking for
someone to make 15,218 long distance phone calls in your behalf. If
the phone calls cost only .10 cents each (which they do not) this
would cost approx. $1,518 to do and would take about 3 weeks to
complete, which is not feasible.
I suggest you choose the best agencies in each state that interests
you and call them to see if they provide the services you need, or
search for the agency in the internet and email them. Alternatively,
there are some online toll-free directories but it would still take an
enormous amount of time to contact all 15 thousand + agencies. Even
then the agency's would undoutedly have questions regarding the mode
of travel, dates of travel, etc, which no one knows but you, and this
would untimately be necessary in order to determine whether or not
they provide the service at all.
Having said this, do you have any other suggestions as to how we can
provide a better answer to your question?