Fred Gleeck
Seminar on Seminars
Author of 11 books on marketing related topics
" selling book: "Marketing and Promoting Your Own Seminars and
Workshops" has become the Bible of the industry.
I believe the seminar title is:
(call for dates)
"Secrets to Creating and Marketing Your Own Seminars, Bootcamps &
Other Educational Events
IT IS 100% Guaranteed....from site...
"It has a lifetime guarantee. That's right, a lifetime guarantee. If
at ANYTIME in the future you're not 100% satisfied with the incredible
amount of information you'll receive, just request a refund and I'll
give you your money back. That's it, that's all."
Fred Gleeck Productions
209 Horizon Peak Dr.,
Henderson, NV 89012
Order Hotline: 1-800-345-3325
FAX: 1-702-617-4278
From Clemson University's
Office of Off-Campus Distance and
Continuing Education
"Effective Seminar and Conference Marketing"
For more Information
Call (864) 656-2200
I qoute from the website..this looks like a guarantee.
"Quickly and Substantially Increase Your Registrations
and Revenue up to 50%..."
Here is a comprehensive resource to do futher research(very good!)
Seminar Information Services
"...enroll in over 360,000 live, in-person seminars, classes,
workshops, corporate training events and conferences listed annually"
Good Luck ! ! |