Hello zoomnini-ga,
Thank you for your question.
My search returned the following results for time use by Americans.
The search method I used is included at the end of my answer.
Americans Spending More Time on Themselves, Says NPD Study
- 51 minutes to get showered, dressed and groomed (man)
- 55 minutes to get showered, dressed and groomed (woman)
- 13 minutes per day in food preparation (man)
- 45 minutes per day in food preparation (woman)
- 17 minutes per day spent exercising
- 3 hours per day on entertainment at home or away from home
- 8 hours of sleep on the weekdays
- 8 1/2 hours of sleep on the weekends
The number of minutes per capita spent exercising is up 8% for the
last three years compared to earlier in the decade. Today, a little
over one out of five adults exercise on a regular basis, spending an
average of 81 minutes per session. Since 80% of adults do not
exercise, the average number of minutes spent by all adults is 17
minutes per day.
We are taking longer to "get ready for the day." Time spent on
grooming is up 7% compared to the early '90s. Today's man takes 51
minutes to get showered, dressed and groomed. Surprisingly, today's
woman takes only slightly longer 55 minutes.
On average, we spend nearly three hours per day on entertainment at
home or away from home.
According to the study, the average American now gets almost eight
hours of sleep on the weekdays, compared to less than seven and a half
hours averaged from 1992 through 1994. And we are taking about a
half-hour more sleep time on the weekends, as well. We've gone from an
average of eight hours of sleep on the weekend to 8 1/2 hours.
During 1997 through 1999, the average woman spent 45 minutes per day
preparing meals. By contrast, the average man spent only 13 minutes
per day preparing meals.
Time Lines: How Americans Spent Their Time During the '90s is a
special report compiled by The NPD Group.
How Americans Spent their Time in the '90s More sleep, fewer chores?
by Beth Rowen
- 120 minutes per day Americans spent caring for their kids or pets.
- 7.8 hours per night an average adult slept
Many working parents would probably find this hard to believe, but
the study showed that adults spent more time per day with their kids
and pets later in the decade than they did early on. In the 1992-1994
survey, parents spent an average of 108 minutes per day caring for
their kids or pets, while the number jumped to 120 in the 1997-1999
The average adult slept 7.8 hours a night in the latter part of the
'90s, up from 7.4 hours a night earlier in the decade. Instead of
sacrificing shut-eye, Americans cut back on household chores, food
preparation, grocery shopping, and believe it or not, working.
Infoplease: Time Use
THE HARRIS POLL #38, August 8, 2001
- 20 work hours per week
- 50 leisure hours per week
Year Median Number of Work Hours
2001 20
2000 20
1999 20
1998 19
1997 20
Year Median Number of Leisure Hours
2001 50
2000 50
1999 50
1998 50
1997 51
The time that people claim to spend on their work, including paid
work, keeping house and school remains unchanged at 50 hours per
The amount of time available to people to relax, watch TV, take part
in sports or hobbies, go swimming, go to the movies, theatre, concerts
or other forms of entertainment, or to get together with friends also
remains unchanged at 20 hours per week.
Harris Interactive: Poll
New York, January 6, 2003 RoperASW today announced results of a
comparative analysis of Saudi Arabian and U.S. priorities and cultures
based on its "2002 Worldwide Time Study."
- 8.3 hours work daily
- 1.2 hours daily spent commuting to and from work
- 9.9 hours spent on the computer each week
- 6.7 hours spent on the phone each week
- 20 hours spent watching TV each week
- Americans spend 37% of their time per week on hobbies
Google Cache: RoperASW
There is a graph on page 3 of this publication that illustrates
average weekly number of hours spent using the following media:
Internet, TV and Radio
1998 Canadian Study - Average Time Spent On Activities by Sex
The results of this survey can be found at the following direct link.
Due to the length of the survey I was not able to copy it here.
Time Use and Leisure Behavior
What changes will take place in the ways in which people use time,
the sequencing of daily activity and activity across the life cycle,
and demographic correlates of time use? What are the affective aspects
of time, such as feeling rushed?
This eight page publication provides important data as well. There is
a good table on page four.
Penn State: The School of Hotel, Restaurant & Recreation Management
Search Method Used: I used the following words in different
combinations in my search on Google.
ways in which people spend their time
Time use U.S.
Americans use of time
Time study
Average time spent on activities site:.com
Distribution of free time of Americans
U.S. Time Use Survey
Americans free time spent hours a week
TV eat sleep work commuting minutes per day +Americans
I hope you find this helpful and if any part of my answer is unclear,
please don't hesitate to ask for clarification. I'll be happy to be
of further assistance!
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |