Hi there,
Network Solutions is a brand name of Versign, and part of VeriSign
Directory Services.
"VeriSign Directory Services enable companies to effectively manage,
monitor, and secure the domain name infrastructure that supports their
corporate e-mail, online commerce, and other Web applications - the
lifeline of their online business. VeriSign is the authoritative
directory provider of all 27 million .com, .net, .cc, and .tv domain
names. Our proprietary Advanced Transaction Look-Up and Signaling
(ATLASTM) infrastructure handles an average of 7.5 billion Internet
queries a day. Leveraging that infrastructure, VeriSign also offers
services that allow companies to conduct scaleable, high-speed
transaction and identity management across disparate networks,
devices, and endpoints.
Transform communication and commerce by driving simplicity,
innovation, and confidence into all electronic interactions."
Search strategy: browsed the Verisign website
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Apr 2003 19:52 PDT
Hello robertskelton-ga and thanks for your answer but please provide
to me a little more clarification of your answer. I want to know that
the websites registered in that www.networksolutions.com
organization are doing only 'legal businesses' or the illegal
businesses have also registered in that website? Thanks for your
Clarification of Answer by
12 Apr 2003 20:08 PDT
If you are referring to businesses who have purchased their domain
names via Network Solutions, it would be reasonable to assume that out
of 27 million some are operating an illegal business. The same would
apply if you were referring to buildings or P.O. Box numbers.
Many people who buy .com domain names give false information. No
details other than the email address are ever verified.
This is why a website that ends in .com.au (and i'm sure this applies
to other country codes) is more trustworthy, because to buy one you
need to be a registered business.
After browsing through previous questions you have asked, I would
suggest that, rather than a using a two-step clarification process,
you would receive better answers if your original question stated
exactly what you wish to know.
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Mar 2004 14:25 PST
Hello Robertskelton researcher I hope you would be fine. Please
take a little of your time and provide to me a little more
clarification of your answer. Robertskelton if a person types
"website address" in the 'whois' webpage in the website of
that Network Solutions Inc. organization and after clicking
its submit button the "administrative and technical
contact details" are displayed on the screen of the
computer I want to know that what is the "meaning" of
that?? After receiving your answer I shall give *****
rating to your answer and many thanks for that from
Clarification of Answer by
25 Mar 2004 15:34 PST
Hi Shoaib,
The intended purpose of the "administrative and technical contact
details" is for the owner of the domain name to supply the contact
details of the people in charge of those aspects of the domain name.
They are not required - people can leave them blank. Only the
registrant contact details are required.
Often people just fill them with the same information as the
registrant contact details. Sometimes they will include the details of
the hosting company.
The meaning of the "administrative and technical contact details"
depends on whatever the registrant enters. For example, sometimes when
a domain is for sale, the owner inserts
somewhere in the contact details. In that instance, the meaning is
that the domain name is for sale.
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Mar 2004 16:24 PST
Robertskelton researcher please note that I also want to
know by those "administrative and technical contact details",
the person can contact the "administration" of that
website. For example if I type www.missworld.org in that bar
in the whois webpage, then after receiving that contact
information can I directly contact the 'administration' of
that Miss World organization?? Many thanks for your help
from Shoaib.
Clarification of Answer by
25 Mar 2004 16:30 PST
For your example, missworld.org, the administrative and technical
contact details are the contact details for the hosting service that
missworld.org is using.
It is not the contact details for the administration of the Miss World
organization. The registrant details look more promising:
Registrant Name:Miss World Limited
Registrant Organization:Miss World Limited
Registrant Street1:21 Golden Square
Registrant City:London
Registrant State/Province:London
Registrant Postal Code:W1R 3PA
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.2077349211
Registrant FAX:+44.2074391218
Registrant Email:missworld@btclick.com
They have a contact form on their website:
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Mar 2004 17:07 PST
Robertskelton researcher with the information you have provided
above so it means that if I want to contact the
"administration of the WEBSITE" of that www.missworld.org
organization then I shall not be able to contact the
administration of that "website". Please provide
'clarification' to my statement and thanks for your help
from Shoaib.
Clarification of Answer by
25 Mar 2004 17:51 PST
The WHOIS administration contact details for missworld.org are for
their web hosting company. They host the missworld.org website. They
are not the administration for the Miss World organization.
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Mar 2004 13:47 PST
Robertskelton researcher I am satisfied with your answer. But
please provide a little more clarification of your answer.
Robertskelton you have provided above "telephone number, Fax
number, email address and postal address" of the hosting
company of the missworld.org website so therefore I want
to know that if I contact at those mentioned contact
addresses and submit my details for purchase of "products"
of the Miss World organization then in this situation my
"message" for purchase of "products" of Miss World
organization can be "submitted" by that hosting company
to the administration of the "website" of missworld.org
organization so that I shall be able to purchase products
of the Miss World organization. Thanks if you provide
'clarification' to my statement.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Mar 2004 14:24 PST
These details are actually those of the Miss World organization - the
registrant contact details:
Registrant Name:Miss World Limited
Registrant Organization:Miss World Limited
Registrant Street1:21 Golden Square
Registrant City:London
Registrant State/Province:London
Registrant Postal Code:W1R 3PA
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.2077349211
Registrant FAX:+44.2074391218
Registrant Email:missworld@btclick.com
Your query regarding the purchase of products should be sent to the
above people. However, using their contact form might get a quicker