Lets define some terminology first: P1, P2, P3 and P4 are the
vertices defining the rectangle in clockwise fashion. x1, y1 and z1
are the x, y and z coordinates of P1 and so on. Let V1 = P2 - P1 and
V2 = P4 - P1 be 2 adjacent vectors of the rectangle. Let R0 = (x0,
y0, z0) be the origin point of the ray and let Rd = (xd, yd, zd) be
the ray vector.
There are several ways to find out if a ray intersects with a
rectangle or not.
The majority of the methods first find out where the ray intersects
the plane that the rectangle lies on. (I'm assuming we're talking
about Euclidean spaces)
To do this we first derive the plane equation from the points of the
The general equation for a plane is Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 where A, B, C
and D are constants. The values of A, B and C are the x, y and z
components of the vector normal to the rectangle. The value of D is
the distance of the rectangle to the origin.
To find the normal vector you take the cross product of adjacent
vectors of the rectangle (for example V1xV2 [I'll skip the explanation
of cross product since you mentioned you can do that]).
Finding the distance from a point to the plane is a little long
(including slow functions like square root) so we'll sidestep that
plugging x4, y4 and z4, along with the x, y and z components of the
normal for A, B and C, into the general equation and solve for D.
That was the general method of getting the plane equation. It works
but here's a faster more direct way of deriving it:
Manipulate the general plane equation into this form:
(A/D)x + (B/D)y + (C/D)z = -1
(hopefully, you know what I did to get there). Then plug in P1, P2,
and P3 into that equation to get 3 different equations. Apply
Cramer's Rule to solve for A/D, B/D and C/D.
You should get the following results:
A = y1(z2-z3) + y2(z3-z1) + y3(z1-z2)
B = z1(x2-x3) + z2(x3-x1) + z3(x1-x2)
C = x1(y2-y3) + x2(y3-y1) + x3(y1-y2)
D = -x1(y2*z3 - y3*z2) - x2(y3*z1 - y1*z3) - x3(y1*z2 - y2*z1)
Now we have the plane equation. Lets find the intersection of the ray
with the plane.
We define the ray parametrically as R(t) = R0 + Rd*t.
Then we plug in R(t) into the plane equation we derived earlier:
A(x0 + xd*t) + B(y0 + yd*t) + (z0 + zd*t) + D = 0
then solve for t:
t = -(A*x0 + B*y0 + C*z0 + D) / (A*xd + B*yd + C*zd)
After plugging t back into R(t), we finally have the point at which
the ray intersects with the plane.
R(t) = (x0 + xd*t, y0 + yd*t, z0 + zd*t). Be sure to check if t is
not negative. If t is negative, then the line that coincides with the
ray intersects with the plane but not the ray itself.
Now, all we have to do is a couple of checks to make sure that the
point is inside the rectangle.
Since the shape in question is a rectangle, I'll streamline the method
used for general convex polygons.
Let V3 = P4 - P3 be the vector opposite from V1. Let V4 be the vector
from P1 to the point of intersection, and let V5 be the vector from P3
to the point of intersection. Normalize vectors V1, V3, V4 and V5.
Then find the dot products V1 dot V4 and V3 dot V5. If both are
non-negative, then the point is in the rectangle. This works because
we use the fact that if the angle between V1 and V4 and the angle
between V3 and V5 are between 0 and 90 inclusive, the point is in the
Hope that helps.
Additional links:
Point-Plane Distance
( http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-PlaneDistance.html )
Ray-Polygon Intersection
( http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/raytrace/raypolygon_intersection.htm
Ray-Object Intersection
( http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/raytrace/rtinter0.htm
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