The proper venue for such a case will be the World Trade
Organization's Dispute Settlement panel.
A similar case was brought against the Egyptian government when it
prohibited genetically modified soybean oil from Thailand.
See: The World Trade Organization: Index of Disputes
More information about the Egyptian case at ictsd.org:
In the numerous recent articles that dicuss the possibility of a suit
against the European Union for refusing to import genetically
manipulated food, the World Trade Organization is almost invariably
mentioned as the venue for such an action. The way that the World
Trade Organization works, though, is that the US corporations will
need to convince the US government to submit a case on their behalf.
"U.S. Hints It Will Sue EU Over Altered Crops," Washington Post,
January 10, 2003, hosted by Iowa State:
"The administration is expected to decide whether to bring a case
before the World Trade Organization by the end of the month."
Source: The New York Times, January 10, 2003, hosted by Ohio State:
"'I personally am now of the view that we need to bring a case,' Mr
Zoellick said, urging that the EU be brought before the World Trade
source: BBC
Also see:
"U.S. Leaders Push Europe to Allow Biotech Crops," hosted by
March 27, 2003
"US House speaker Hastert seeks immediate WTO GMO case," 03.26.03,
hosted by Forbes.com
search strategy:
google news: case, genetically modified, european
I hope this helps. |