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video transmission interrupting (fiber optic wireless video miniature cameras)
Category: Computers > Security Asked by: big1-ga List Price: $25.00 |
30 May 2002 21:07 PDT
Expires: 06 Jun 2002 21:07 PDT Question ID: 19023 |
Is there a way to interrupt or somehow interfere with a miniature fiber optic video transmission? I have recently discovered that someone has bugged my home with many of these. As of yet I am unprepared to bring the police into the matter and would like to find a way to inexpensively do this --- such as simple home remedies -- does foil work?? |
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Re: video transmission interrupting (fiber optic wireless video miniature cameras)
Answered By: skermit-ga on 30 May 2002 22:14 PDT |
Foil will work as this is called a simple gaussian surface, but you must cover the ENTIRE transmitting device creating a completely touching gapless surface. By Gauss' Law (I just took Physics III and it's all about electromagnetic waves) any electric field cannot pass through a closed gaussian surface, what's outside stays outside, and what's inside remains trapped inside. This is the same principle of why cell phones do not work in elevators (well metal ones at least, glass doesn't count) and the reason why radios don't work in tunnels (unless there are repeaters installed of course). Another less practical solution and it might not work depending on the frequency of the transmitted radio is to turn on and keep on as many electric motors (read: vacuum cleaners) and place them in close proximity to the devices, that might generate enough noise to knock out any viable transmission. Regardless of how you choose to proceed, I would HIGHLY recommend contacting the police in this situation though, as an invasion of privacy isn't your only concern. The people who have done this to you have access to your house, and your safety is compromised. Should you require security services but do not wish to alert the police for some other reason, contact local bodyguard and/or personal security consulting firms in your area. Hope this helps, clarify your question if you need more info, or rate my ansewr if you feel it's satisfactory as is. Thank you very much! skermit-ga Additional Links: Read more about gaussian surfaces here: ://www.google.com/search?q=%22gaussian+surface%22+enclosed+inside |
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Re: video transmission interrupting (fiber optic wireless video miniature cameras)
From: mvguy-ga on 30 May 2002 23:01 PDT |
Another approach if you know where all the transmitters are would be to remove the batteries. Or if they're adjustable you could set them all for the same frequency so they interfere with each other. |
Re: video transmission interrupting (fiber optic wireless video miniature cameras)
From: fuzzy_logic-ga on 31 May 2002 05:39 PDT |
refering to your question which includes "fiber optic wireless video miniature cameras" just a point but doesn't the phrase "fiber optic" mean these cameras are wired by a "Fiber Optic" Cable. or is that just me. Now if it was me personally. i would remove the cameras, which incidentally would be worth a reasonable amount of money and sell them, which would proclude that chance of this happening again. if this does happen again, then sell them again. and the Person(s) responsible would soon give up. also you do not need to stop a camera transmitting, you only need to block its sight with the use of black spraypaint etc... hope this give's some usefull insight along a different train of thought :) Cheers fuzzy_logic-ga |
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