Hello amaxen-ga,
What an interesting research topic! Ive collected a variety of
resources to help you explore the topic and to get a better sense of
what is happening in the field of philanthropic giving to individuals
and groups. Ive organized the material into several categories to
help you manage the large volume of information.
Ive included specific grants and prizes in addition to the Nobels and
Pulitzers. You should have no trouble finding lots of information
about these. Since you said you were interested in effects on human
behavior I concentrated on finding some foundations that are focused
on social change. You wanted to find a professor who has worked on
this topic. Ive found several schools that specialize in this field
of research so you shouldnt have any trouble finding a professor.
Ive included one specific name and many collective resources.
Finally, Ive also collected general resources that might be
interesting for further exploration.
Amaxen-ga, I hope that this research will be helpful for your planning
for your thesis. If any of this material is confusing, please ask for
clarification before rating my answer.
Good luck on your future academic career.
(i.e. long term financial arrangements; pulitzer prize and the Nobel
This is a very comprehensive sites sponsored by Swedish Television and
See Home ą Alfred Nobel ą Nobels Will
During his final years, Nobel developed the idea of creating a prize
that would encourage scientific progress, thereby improving the human
condition. In his last will and testament, dated November 27, 1895,
Nobel specified how the portion of his estate to be used for such
prizes would be distributed.
This is the official site of the Pulitzer Prizes
Joseph Pulitzer stood out as the very embodiment of American
journalism. Hungarian-born, an intense indomitable figure, Pulitzer
was the most skillful of newspaper publishers, a passionate crusader
against dishonest government, a fierce, hawk-like competitor who did
not shrink from sensationalism in circulation struggles, and a
visionary who richly endowed his profession.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is a private,
independent grantmaking institution dedicated to helping groups and
individuals foster lasting improvement in the human condition.
***** The MacArthur Fellows Program is one of the most famous and
generous awards today. It awards five-year unrestricted fellowships to
individuals across all ages and fields who show exceptional merit and
promise of continued and enhanced creative work.
MRG | McKenzie River Gathering Foundation
You Should Have a Will -- The Bequest
A bequest is one of the oldest methods of supporting non-profits. One
of the first and most famous bequests was given by Ben Franklin in
1790. He left the equivalent of $4,000 (in British pounds) to be split
between the people of the State of Pennsylvania and the city of
Philadelphia. The state received 76 percent of the bequest and the
city 24 percent. He left it on the condition it not be touched for 200
In 1998, his bequest was worth $2.3 million and it can now be spent.
***** There are several other examples in this article.
Top 100 US Foundations by Asset Size
***** See many other research reports under
(i.e., effects on human behavior; kind of law and kind of cultural)
Great Grants Archives
Because foundations serve as societys research and development
arm--by funding programs that explore new problem-solving
approaches--much of value is learned from those foundation-funded
experiments that dont work out as well as the wide-impact successes
described here. ***** Includes a searchable directory of grants.
Funding Exchange Funding Tomorrows Change Today
Founded in 1979 by wealthy donors with a new philanthropy of Change,
not Charity, the Funding Exchange (FEX) is a network of 15 community
funds across the country÷from Appalachia to California, New England to
Hawaii÷with a national office in New York City.
(i.e., professor
who has done work on this topic)
Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy
The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy acts as a catalyst for
understanding and action at the intersection of the public, private,
and nonprofit sectors by providing information and analysis that is of
value to decision makers in the three sectors.
The Center does this in two ways. First, we conduct research on
philanthropy, volunteerism, and the nonprofit sector. And second, we
communicate the findings and their implications to key decision makers
through convenings such as forums and roundtables.
***** See especially the Research Projects and Research Reports
Boston College Social Welfare Research Institute (SWRI)
Research on Cultural Life in an Age of Affluence
The Social Welfare Research Institute (SWRI) is a multidisciplinary
research center specializing in the study of spirituality, wealth,
philanthropy, and other aspects of cultural life in an age of
affluence. Founded in 1970, SWRI is a recognized authority on the
relation between economic wherewithal and philanthropy, the
motivations for charitable involvement, and the underlying meaning and
practice of care.
Professor of Sociology
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
(617) 627-3561
Academic Research Information System
GrantsInfo.com -- We are now offering to the public our complete
database of funding information in the Arts, Humanities, Social
Sciences, Natural Sciences and Biomedical Sciences. Thousands of
programs are listed!
Philanthropy Research Centers
***** Offers a long list of links to academic research centers that
focus on philanthropy.
For over 50 years, the Council on Foundations has helped foundation
staff, trustees and board members in their day-to-day grantmaking
activities. Through one-to-one technical assistance, research,
publications, conferences and workshops, legal services, and a wide
array of other services, the Council addresses the important issues
and challenges that face foundations and corporate funders.
Bequest/Legacy giving is one the most effective and dependable ways of
raising money for long term good causes. It allows people to express
their gratitude for the help they themselves or family members have
received. As people are living longer and family ties are weaker the
market for bequests has grown, as has the value of bequests,
especially if they are tied to property prices.
The National Network of Grantmakers (NNG) is an organization of
individuals involved in funding social and economic justice, not a
funding group. NNG is committed to the goal of increasing resources,
financial and otherwise, to organizations working for social change.
Our members are individual donors, foundation staff, board, and
grantmaking committee members. Founded in 1980, NNG provides services
to both funders and practitioners or grantseekers.
The Modern Medici Patterns, Motivations, and Giving Strategies of
the Wealthy
***** This is a 49-page report
January 06, 2003
The Largest Intergenerational Wealth Transfer in History is Still
Despite the economic downturn and the fall of the equity markets, the
nationally noted projection that a wealth transfer of at least
$41-trillion will take place in the United States by the year 2052
remains valid.
***** Be sure to check out the selection of Books, Reports and
Charity Navigator provides in-depth, objective analysis of the
financial health of more than 2,100 of America's largest charities,
for free.
The Foundation Center's mission is to support and improve philanthropy
by promoting public understanding of the field and helping
grantseekers succeed.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
wills trusts legacies
famous bequests
funding social change
philanthropic organizations ranking
academic research "funding social change" |