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Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: phantazem-ga List Price: $10.00 |
31 May 2002 06:30 PDT
Expires: 07 Jun 2002 06:30 PDT Question ID: 19070 |
Please help me find somewhere I can mail order, via overnight shipment, (preferrable from a website), for delivery to New York City, fresh (not canned), whole Mangosteens. Prior to posting an answer, the researcher must confirm with the source that they will ship to an individual in New York City, and the minimum quantity cannot be an unreasonable amount (I would like to order no more than 25 pounds). I will not consider this question answered until I have a mangosteen on my table. |
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Mail order mangosteens
Answered By: rebeccam-ga on 04 Jun 2002 09:45 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi Phantazem! Ive had a great time working on this one... I feel as though Ive just returned from touring the world! For those of us not familiar with mangosteens, http://www.mangosteens.com/ (which contains a wealth of information on the fruit, and links to more) provides the following introduction: The Mangosteen fruit may be the best tasting fruit in the world. The Latin name for mangosteens is Garcinia mangostana. The fruit, which originated in Malaysia, is a little smaller than a tennis ball, with a hard exterior purple shell. The inside contains a luscious white/translucent, sectional fruit with one or two seeds. The Mangosteen is an evergreen tree about 30 to 75 feet tall when mature. To open the fruit, cut through the skin only, and lightly pull and twist the fruit apart. Storage at 10ºC is ideal and extends shelf life to about 20 days, but refrigeration causes cold damage. (In terms of preparation, About.com suggests place the mangosteen in the palm of your hands, with the flower stem on top, and use your fingers to exert gentle pressure on it until it cracks open. Another option is to cut through the diameter of the shell all the way around, and then simply lift off the top. Just remember not to cut through the segments. (http://chinesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa072100b.htm ) There are quite a few sources for importing mangosteen seeds, plants, juice, even body lotion! But the fruit itself was a little tougher to find. After some searching, though, we finally have a winner: Koerner Agro Export Center. A division of: Koerner Co., Ltd. Alma Link Building, 8th Floor. 25 Soi Chidlom Ploenchit Road Lumpini, Patumwan Bangkok 10330 Tel: (662) 655-1700 Fax: (662) 655-5666 Mobile: (661) 804-6573 Email: james@koerneragro.com Website: www.koerneragro.com I contacted them via email and got the following response: "Dear Rebecca, We can supply to you fresh mangosteen. 25lb will be very expensive to send. Usually you need to send +100kg to get a good freight rate. Anyhow we can send whatever you need. Pls advise in kgs. Look forward to your reply." I looked into 5 sources in addition to Adam, and so far have gotten only one affirmative response (the other 4 are below). I'll let you know if I get another that might be more cost effective: http://www.fruitlovers.com/new.html http://www.hawaiipride.com/ http://www.credc.com/tropicalfruitonline/moredetails.htm http://www.fruitonline.com/wwwboard/messages/711.html I have not yet heard back from Adam about whether he'd ship under 25 lbs. overnight to NYC... Based on his site, I assume he's still working out his business plan and may not know the answer yet. I will follow up and let you know if I hear from him. Thanks for the great question, please let me know if you'd like any further help or information... And enjoy your mangosteens! Rebeccam-ga | |
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rated this answer:![]() Great job! I had almost given up hope. I have been in contact with James and have placed an order. Hopefully, I will be enjoying my mangosteens within a week. Thanks! |
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Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: robertskelton-ga on 31 May 2002 06:33 PDT |
Refer to https://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=18124 for a previous answer to this question, that it seems did not work out. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 31 May 2002 08:54 PDT |
That post was my original question. The researcher managed to connect me with a Guava farmer in California who will ship to me; however, he was unable to find a confirmed source for mangosteens, so I reposted that part of my question. (I gave him 5 stars for the work on the guavas) |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 31 May 2002 11:12 PDT |
Hi! I am not answering officially, because this source is not yet operational, but I think when it is, it'll be what you're looking for. http://www.mangosteens.com/main.htm This site was last updated on April 14, 2002. At that time, the USDA was moving through the steps necessary to approve the author's application to import Mangosteens from Austraila. (He's considering importing them under the name 'Mangostina', after his research suggested the name sparked more interest.) Here's his plan re. shipping: "With a supplier identified and the paperwork underway, I am beginning to focus on market research. My initial market price is $3.00 per Mangosteen plus shipping & handling, if applicable. I am planning direct distribution (supermarkets, restaurants, etc) in the San Francisco bay area, but for other destinations, overnight mail would be required. While I'm not ready to take any orders yet, I would like to get a sense of the public interest. Please e-mail me to let me know your thoughts about this price point. " His email address is adam@mangosteens.com . Good luck! |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 31 May 2002 11:21 PDT |
Phantazem, I have emailed Adam to confirm that he would ship to you within your parameters, and asked for an ETA on his ability to do so. I'll let you know what I hear! Best, Rebecca |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: nsmith-ga on 31 May 2002 13:24 PDT |
Poor Adam at mangosteen.com. I just called and asked him the same questions as Rebecca. In fact, he thought I was rebecca calling back. He may be your best bet. He says the crops become ripe in January and he may have his permit by then. I'm sure Rebecca has more info to offer you. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 31 May 2002 14:23 PDT |
Here's what Adam wrote me: "Rebecca - Thanks for the email. My permit is mired at the US Department of Agriculture. The progress has been glacial in speed. I was told the process usually takes 12-18 months and I am already 17 months in. I have passed three stages, but I am not sure how many more are left. I will certainly keep your email information and let you know. The season runs from January - March and I am still hopeful for a 2003 crop. Adam" I wrote him back to ask if he'd be willing to ship to NYC under 25 lbs, and am waiting to hear back. I'll keep you posted! |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: poormattie-ga on 31 May 2002 17:31 PDT |
Many people believe that they can't ship mangosteen to the US. You might find yourself settling for the mangosteen drink from mistic beverages (http://www.mistic.com - http://www.mistic.com/zotics/flavors/thailand.html). Good luck on your search-- definitely post and let us know if you find some. It sounds delicious. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 31 May 2002 18:49 PDT |
Phantazem, I'm working on another source, but will not officially answer until I have confirmation. I'll keep you posted! Best, Rebecca |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: davidsar-ga on 04 Jun 2002 06:51 PDT |
Give this company a call...they think they can get mangosteens (but aren't 100% sure) for around $12/pound plus additional $$$ for shipping. Good luck. Richard Leibowitz Culinary Specialty Produce 1190 Route 22 West Mountainside, New Jersey 07092 908-789-4700 fax-789-4702 culinary@idt.net www.culinaryproduce.com |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 04 Jun 2002 06:54 PDT |
Rebecca, Have you made any progress on that altenate source? Adam looks like a very promising option at some point in the future, but there are no guarentees with the USDA. I will send him an e-mail so he can keep me informed. By the way, did he ever answer you as to if he would ship to New York, under 25 lbs? Thanks, phantazem |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 04 Jun 2002 15:57 PDT |
FYI, I contacted http://www.agrohawaii.com/resources.htm about ordering mangosteens and guavas from Hawaii and their reply was: "I don't think either fruit can be shipped fresh out of Hawaii due to the fruit fly. There is a treatment facility in Keaau (Big Island), but I don't believe that the protocol has been developed for treating either fruit." |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 06 Jun 2002 06:58 PDT |
I inquired with http://www.cyberstreet.com/sunburst/ about guavas and their response was: "I spoke with Gary Grochowski of Sunburst and they arebacking off of guavas due to short shelf life of the fruit, which they used to stock as preserves. So to answer your inquiry, they cannot supply you and do not know of any other island producer. If you want to contact Gary, the email is now sunburst100@aol.com Tedd Lincoln, Publisher, Pine Island Real Estate Guide DISCOVER PINE ISLAND - http://www.PineIslandFL.com" |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 06 Jun 2002 08:49 PDT |
I'm so glad we succeeded... I got attached to this one :) Best, Rebecca |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 07 Jun 2002 08:48 PDT |
I just hope that there are no problems importing them. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 07 Jun 2002 16:48 PDT |
Please let me know if you run into problems. I admit I have no pull with the USDA, but I'd love to know whether we really succeded (and I'd love to try a mangosteen myself!) |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 18 Jul 2002 11:04 PDT |
Rebecca, Unfortunatly the seedlings are not going to be practical, as the plants usually do not produce fruit for 10 to 20 years (a long time to wait) and I neither have the correct environment nor the space (they can reach 80 feet in height!) to grow a healthy mangosteen tree. I will see if I can contact Michael Balick for assistance. Also, James from Koerner Agro Export Center is attempting to work with me to find a way that the USDA will allow the shipment from Thailand. Anyway, thanks for all your help. I will keep you updated and if I ever do succeed, I would be happy to send you a few to try! |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: rebeccam-ga on 18 Jul 2002 12:19 PDT |
I must admit, I was not satisfied with the seedlings 'solution' either... I really hope Mrs. Balick and Koerner will be the resources you need! It's interesting, I've researched several questions lately that have to do with the USDA's seemingly over-protective import restrictions (certainly understandable, but frustrating.) There seem to be lots of restricted items that have been or can be made safe, and while the USDA acknowledges this, they have yet to get around to approving them. Such is the way with gov't agencies, I suppose :) As always, please keep me posted, I'm emotionally invested in this at this point! And if/when you get them, I would love a taste (only if you can spare one... I know now how precious they are!!) Best, Rebecca |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: sunny7777-ga on 12 Jun 2004 17:16 PDT |
Hi, I've been reading all the comments re: Mangosteen from 2002. Did anyone ever get the Mangosteen sent to the U.S? I know quite a bit about the "Queen of Fruits"...actually ate some in Madras, India long before I knew of the scientific studies and folklore uses of its pericarp (hull). I sure would like to get my hands on that beautiful fruit :-) If you had some delivered in the U.S, let me know. Thank loads. Sonja |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 14 Jun 2004 11:09 PDT |
Sunny7777, Unfortnately, I was never able to find a means of getting the mangosteens into the USA. In fact, the shipment that was to be destroyed at JFK airport "mysteriously" disappeared before it could be incinerated (my customs broker seemed sure that the customs agents made a snack out of them). If you ever find a way to get mangosteens in the USA, please let me know! |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: sunny7777-ga on 18 Jun 2004 14:21 PDT |
Hi Phantazem, I will let you if I have any luck in getting "The Queen of Fruit".:-) It would certainly help me in my business. EVERYONE wants to see & taste. Sonja |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: xenon128-ga on 28 Nov 2004 09:46 PST |
This is the website of an exotic fruit farm that grows mangosteens as well as other fruits: http://www.panoramicfruit.com/ They are in Puerto Rico. I think they would have no problem shipping to the US! They state that on their website that they only do wholesale quantities, but that they do not grow enough mangosteen to sell them wholesale. Maybe they would be willing to sell to you. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: phantazem-ga on 05 Dec 2004 19:51 PST |
Xenon128, Thanks for the tip! I will contact them and post whether or not I am successful in getting the mangosteens. |
Re: Mail Order Mangosteen Exotic Fruit
From: evenplayn-ga on 20 Feb 2005 12:35 PST |
I've been reading this chain of messages and wanted to add some facts that I have learned in the past 2 years as I've hunted the mangosteen in the lower 48. The mangosteen is not legal in 49 of the 50 states. Hawaii is the only state that can grow and sell the fruit (but can not export). My research has found that it can only be purchased from "black markets." If you know a professional chef, you might ask them if they know of a black market for fruit in your city. They are more common than you make think.... I've also been told that the north eastern area's of Canada allow the fruit. For the gentelman in New York...it may be worth the drive? Some History of the Mangosteen in Hawaii: The Big Island is now producing the fruit in small quantities. Pinapple fields have been converted to grow mangosteen. The plant takes about 8 years to bare fruit in its natural enviroment. In Hawaii, it is taking about 10 years. Because of this...its very expensive. I hope this helps... |
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