Greetings Homeseller:
Before I begin my answer, I'd like to suggest you consider an online
newspaper supplemented by well-placed advertising. The more affluent
home buyer is using the Internet more and more as a search tool for
properties. Even persons of my small income use the web to locate
property: I recently relocated and I did extensive research searching
for real estate companies online in my destination city. A web site
with custom keywords would draw a moderate share of interest (and many
I located were hard to find because their keywords were so vague) so,
if you don't already have a web site, I suggest you invest in one. If
you do have a web site, consider publishing a monthly newsletter
there. There are many free real estate-related articles available for
just such an online newspaper and you could tailor numerous keywords
by offering articles of interest to property seekers.
Regarding print newspapers, I located two very good possibilities
"Welcome Home," a real estate newspaper 8 pages in length, is
explained at
In the text, they state "Every year we publish 5 seasonal 8-page real
estate newspaper for agents who want to build their business through
direct marketing. Whether you've been in real estate for decades or
brand new to the business, this tool was designed to make you and keep
you a top agent in your market place."
They offer a free PDF download of the newspaper for perusal and the
main page of the site is At the
"Exclusivity and Distribution" link from the main page, they state,
"We are well versed in distributing the newspaper in the U.S.A. We
have experience helping agents like yourself arrange for local carrier
drop off or bulk mailing."
U.S. Sales:
Cheryl Young 888-254-0274
Homes Newspaper
"These realtors are increasing their incomes substantially with this
"personal" and "exclusive" newspaper."
A sample of the paper may be viewed at
Many of the links I've reviewed seem to meet your specifications but
I'm not finding a large market in this service. I've made phone calls
to two other firms I discovered through the Internet and I'm awaiting
their replies.
From one of my searches, I located Marketing Solutions
( which looked like a potential
resource. I phoned the offices and spoke with Jamie Schultheis. She
told me that they outsourced their publishing and direct mail to a
firm called Print Mailer and she gave me the phone number 832-201-2000
and suggested I speak to Mike Burton. I encountered his voice mail
and I left a message of inquiry.
I also phoned The Business Word ( at
303-290-8500 and left a message with a manager, Don Johnson. I found
the contact information at
I hope they both return my calls and, if so, I'll let you know if they
offer what you're seeking.
I'm going to pause in my answer to let you review what I have located
and I'd like you to share with me any other keywords you have
encountered that are not present in my search strategy. Just use the
Clarification feature on your question page when you are logged in to
Google Answers. Any additional industry buzzwords will assist in
future searches.
I'm continuing my searches to fulfill your requested six companies and
I'm not certain many more exist. Please refrain from rating my answer
until I have exhausted all possibilities to discover more of this type
of custom service. I referenced a site below that has a slick booklet
similar to Homes & Land.
Also, when you post a Clarification Request, I'll receive an email
from Google Answers and I'll address your request immediately.
Harmon Homes Custom Publication Division (slick booklets)
Make Your Newspaper Advertising More Profitable (an interesting
article regarding the creation of "Editorial material (or material
that appears to be editorial) gets 500% more readership than material
that is obviously advertising."
"real estate" custom newspaper
direct mail real estate
direct mail custom publication
custom real estate newspaper
"direct mail" newspaper "real estate"
"real estate newspaper" "direct marketing" |
Clarification of Answer by
15 Apr 2003 12:20 PDT
Greetings again. :) I have located two more possibilities. I just
finished speaking with Robert Best of His web site states "The Robert
Best Co. specializes in do it yourself event sales...We design custom
newspaper insert flyers and direct mail ads to further enhance your
sale. These are the methods that have proven to be very cost effective
for dealers. See below for a list of services."
His slant there was towards auto dealers but I took a chance that he
serviced other professions and he does. He was quite affable and,
after I explained your needs, he assured me he could meet them. I
suggest you phone him at 800-605-2378 to further discuss your project.
Another company that handles custom advertising is Royal Impressions
and I called there and spoke with a Tom Sepanski. I explained your
query and he said they handled all types of publishing projects. Tom
said the customer determined the specs -publication size, paper type,
etc.- and they will price the project. Their telephone number is
212-944-1575 and they are located at 1040 Avenue of the Americas, 10th
Floor, New York, New York 10018-3703.
I also heard back from Print Mailer and they don't publish newsprint.
They handle thicker and coated papers. I'll continue to keep you
posted with my discoveries.