Here are several ways in which human urine and human feces are
pH Level
Urine and feces are very similar in their pH level, which is a measure
of acidity/alkalinity.
"Approximate pH of Some Common Substances...
Human Feces 4.6 - 8.4...
Human Urine 4.8 - 8.4"
National Park Service NatureNet
"pH: the relative acidity or alkalinity; ranges from 4.6 to 8.0;
average pH of urine is 6.0."
Texas HSTE
"Normal pH of stool is about 6."
Online Ambulance
Color (from bilirubin)
Both urine and feces derive their color primarily from a substance
called bilirubin.
"Bilirubin is modified in the liver to increase its solubility in
aqueous media and the product is secreted into the bile. Microbial
conversion of the bile pigments in the large intestine finally yields
products that are responsible for the yellow color of urine (after
reabsorption of the pigment from the large intestine) and the color of
the feces."
Function (detoxification of the body)
Both urine and feces help the body to detoxify itself and prevent the
buildup of harmful waste products:
"The body undergoes detoxification processes by eliminating waste
products (toxins) through urine, feces, sweat, and liver
Center for Health and Healing
"Water is the main transport mechanism within the body for carrying
oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the cells and removing waste
products. The waste products are eliminated from the body through the
water in sweat, urine and feces."
Team Oregon
Usefulness in Diagnosis
Both urine and feces may be used in determining whether a person has a
disease, inflammation, or other abnormality.
"Medical technologists use sophisticated tools to perform the
laboratory tests needed to diagnose and treat diseases. They draw and
examine blood samples, analyze urine and stool specimens, and detect
and identify the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that can infect the
University of Kansas School of Allied Health
Chemical Composition
Urine and feces contain similar amounts of the elements calcium,
phosphorus, and potassium.
"Of the 2.5 pounds of excreta that humans produce per day 2 lbs is
urine and 1/2 lb is feces. Water makes up 75% of feces and 94% of
urine. The rest is:
Feces Urine
Carbon - 40-50% Carbon - 11-17%
Nitrogen - 5- 7% Nitrogen - 15-19%
Calcium - 4- 5% Calcium - 4- 6%
Phosphorus - 3- 5% Phosphorus - 2- 5%
Potassium - 2- 5% Potassium - 3- 5%"
University of Kentucky
Search terms used:
"urine and feces"
"feces and urine"
"ph level"
"waste products"
I have tried to use layman's terms, and the Web sources from which
I've quoted are, I hope, simple in their phrasing. I hope this is the
kind of answer you need. If you have any questions about my research,
please request clarification *BEFORE* rating the answer; I'll be glad
to offer further assistance as needed.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |