Hello again Tamara,
Thank you for posting this question addressed to my attention. This
was a tough search because its hard to backtrack from the receiving
UK schools to the foreign schools and students they get from various
countries. After extensive searching I think Ive found some key sites
that should help you make connections to market your services.
There are two ways to approach this. The first option is to identify
UK schools that offer programs for foreign students. The schools I
identified in my prior research on US foreign students can also be
used for prospecting for German (or any other) foreign students. If
you could make a successful partnership with these schools, they would
refer their students to you without you having to find the sending
school. Alternately, they could share with you the names of the
schools and you could contact live prospects.
The second option is to identify German schools that have study abroad
programs in the UK so that you could market your services to these
schools/students as they look for accommodations while abroad. I found
a wonderful site that gives you a searchable database of German higher
educational institutions as well as the foreign schools that German
students have attended. Both of these directories link you to a school
profile with contact information that frequently also includes a link
to the schools website. You could use these directories to identify
schools for your marketing campaigns.
The tip from politicalguru-ga about the ERASMUS program is excellent.
Ive included detailed information for you so you can explore what
its about. Its main purpose is to encourage learning exchange
programs throughout Europe with as little red tape as possible.
Ive only researched German schools. I have some understanding of
German so I was able to evaluate the German sites I found. The
research took so long that I didnt have the time to look for Spanish
schools. I suggest that you post this as a separate question. That way
a Researcher who is proficient in Spanish will be able to do a better
search for you.
This was a challenging project. I hope that you will find the
information useful. Please ask for clarification before rating my
answer if any of this material isnt clear.
Good luck with you project.
The Centre for British Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin is
pivotal in training and research. A number of other universities run
British Studies projects with British Council support, including
Bochum, Dortmund, Oldenburg.
***** All of the schools listed are good candidates for sending
students to the UK.
Humboldt-University in Berlin -- Centre for British Studies 2003
Centre for British Studies
Jägerstraße 10-11
D-10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 2093 5379
Fax: +49 30 2093 5328
During the Master Phase students will spend about three months with a
firm or institution in Britain. In the remaining three months they are
expected to write their M.B.S. thesis.
Through CIEE's international opportunities you can work, study, teach
or volunteer abroad. Choose the country where you live from the list
above to find out more about the world of opportunity available to
Work & Travel Großbritannien
In Großbritannien jobben, Spaß haben, Englisch lernen...
***** Site information is in German
Häufige Fragen
Die Jobs werden in folgenden Freizeitparks und Touristenattraktionen
Alton Towers Park, Staffordshire (40 Meilen von Manchester entfernt)
Thorpe Park, Surrey (15 Minuten entfernt vom Heathrow Airport, südlich
von London)
Chessington World of Adventures, Surrey (zwischen Gatwick und Heathrow
Airport, südlich von London)
Warwick Castle, Warwick (40 Minuten enfernt von Birmingham)
Universität Dortmund
Department of English and American Studies
International Exchange Partnerships -- Dortmund ® GB
ERASMUS-Partner Universities
-- De Montfort University (Bedford/Leicester):
-- University of Central England, Birmingham:
-- Newman College, Birmingham
-- Huddersfield University
-- Leeds University
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
International Contacts
The University has established formal academic links with more than 30
universities in the USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, France, the
Netherlands, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and Tunesia.
Great Britain and Ireland participating Universities
-- University College, Cork Ireland
-- Coventry University
-- University of Aarhus Denmark
-- Manchester Metropolitan University
-- Newcastle University
-- University of Limerick, Ireland
-- Sunderland University
-- Kingston-on-Thames University
Home « Studieren, Forschen und Lehren im Ausland « Sprachenlernen
German Academic Exchange Service
DAAD Worldwide à Country Information à United Kingdom
Information available in German language only:
***** See contact information in London for office that sends UK
students to Germany.
The Association of Universities and other Higher Education
Institutions (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK) is the body which
unites institutions of higher education in Germany.
The Higher Education Compass provides important information on all
state or state-approved higher education institutions (HEIs) in the
Federal Republic of Germany;
-- all undergraduate and postgraduate study opportunities offered by
-- all doctoral study opportunities;
-- all international cooperation agreements of German higher
education institutions.
Home Page --> Higher Education Institutions --> List of Higher
Education Institutions
***** This link leads to a list of 330 schools. You can click through
to a profile of the school showing their contact information and a
link to the schools website. See sample listings:
HEI Federal Regional State Students
Aachen FH North Rhine-Westphalia 8,279
Aachen HfKiM North Rhine-Westphalia 32
Aachen TH North Rhine-Westphalia 30,106
Home Page --> International Cooperations
***** This link leads to several different ways of sorting the foreign
education opportunities available to German students.
Home Page à International Cooperations àCooperations by Foreign
***** The following UK institutions are listed as hosting German
foreign students. I suggest that you contact the schools to find out
where their foreign students come from and possibly develop a
partnership with them to offer housing for these students. The schools
below show a sampling from the first page of search results. Each
school has a clickable link to a profile page with contact
information. There are hundreds of UK schools on the list.
United Kingdom Aberdeen Aberdeen College
United Kingdom Aberdeen Northern College of Education Aberdeen
United Kingdom Aberdeen The Robert Gordon University Aberdeen
United Kingdom Aberdeen University of Aberdeen
United Kingdom Aberystwyth University of Wales, Aberystwyth
United Kingdom Ashford Wye College (University of London)
United Kingdom Ayr Scottish Agricultural College
United Kingdom Bangor University of Wales, Bangor
United Kingdom Bath Bath Spa University College (BSUC)
United Kingdom Bath University of Bath
United Kingdom Bedford Cranfield University
United Kingdom Bedford Silsoe College (Cranfield University)
Topic Index
To help students make the most from their study abroad, the European
Commission has developed a European Credit Transfer System, which
provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements, and
transferring them from one institution to another.
the European Community programme in the field of higher education
Covering the period 2000-2006, SOCRATES/ERASMUS aims at improving the
quality and the "European dimension" of higher education, including
both universities and « extra-university » institutions. The
participating countries are the 15 Member States of the European
Union, the 3 countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Norway) and all the Associated Countries in Central
and Eastern Europe, as well as Cyprus and Malta.
***** A review of this site may give you additional insights about
possible connections with foreign institutions that send students to
the UK.
***** Lots of information about all aspects of the ERASMUS program.
***** This is a 16-page brochure that explains these programs for UK
students who want to participate in these program.
UK Student Life
This site has been created independently. It is written with the aim
of helping people coming to the UK from other countries.
German Academic Exchange Service
***** See list of about a dozen contacts for International Partner
Organizations for possible connections with foreign organizations
sending students to the UK
British Resources on the Internet: Schools, Universities
***** This is a list of about a dozen sites dedicated to UK schools.
It might be useful to you for making connections with UK schools to
find out about their international student programs and possibly
making connections for marketing your services for the students they
study abroad UK
study abroad "in UK"
Germany study abroad "in UK"
Germans "study in UK" |