Hello Vission,
It would seem someone is pulling your leg.
If you search Google with the terms [ "donate testicle" ],
[ "testicle donation" ], and [ "testicle transplant" ] you'll find a
multitude of message sites, in which myriad young men clamor for
information about how to sell or donate a testicle - with *no response
or information*:
Paid Medical Studies Forum
EZ Board Forums
Dr. Eugene Katz of the Fertility Center at the Greater Baltimore
Medical Center states that he's never heard of testicle donation:
Testicle Donation
Fertility Center
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Physicians Pavilion West
6569 North Charles Street, Suite 406
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
Phone: (443) 849-2484
Fax: (443) 849-3067
E-mail: fertility@gbmc.org
Transplant surgeon Dr. Jeff Punch says:
"Testicles are not transplanted."
Where can I find out about testicle transplants? Are they done?
Testosterone Magazine offers this tongue in cheek exchange:
" Testicle Transplantation?
Is it medically possible to transplant a new testicle, just in case
mine would be damaged in an accident? (My girlfriend has threatened me
a few times lately, due to spending too much time reading Testosterone
magazine and neglecting her.)
If so, would it also be possible to get me a third extra ball? And if
this is the case, which one should I choose, a ball of Dorian Yates or
one from Ronnie Coleman, or maybe even better, one from TC, who has
proven lately to have more balls then anybody out there!
Seriously, if an older guy would get a testicle transplant from a
younger guy, would he get higher Testosterone levels or isn't this the
Keep up the good work!
Andrew, I in fact have four balls (two that I carry for everyday use,
and two sterling silver ones that I keep in my dresser next to my
cufflinks you know, just for special occasions and stuff) and if it
were possible to transplant them, I would gladly give you an extra
Actually, there were some testicle transplants done late in the 1800s
and early in the 1900s. As I remember reading, they involved
transplanting the testes of one rooster to another. And, one of the
fathers of Testosterone research, Charles Eduard Brown-Sequard,
claimed to have rejuventated himself by injecting the extracts of
guinea pig testicles (for real).
I dont think its possible to transplant human testicles yet. I
suspect the tissue rejection problems would be too great, and given
that testicles, or glandular tissue of any kind, isnt the toughest of
tissues, theyd be ravaged by the immune system. If Im wrong, or Im
not seeing the picture clearly, Im sure someone will let me know.
In the meantime, lets all stick with Tribex-500, prohormones,
steroids, or Testosterone injections to manage our endocrine system.
Lets leave the testicle transplantation experiments in Tim
Pattersons basement, where they belong.
And keep an eye on that girlfriend!"
Testosterone Magazine
I called my mother in-law, a retired registered nurse. She laughed
and said "No such thing!". She then instructed me to call her former
employer, our family physician. He likewise responded that there is
no such thing, it's a hoax that's been perpetuated since long before
he even started medical school.
I spoke with representatives at the following hospitals, all of whom
replied that there is no such program in place *anywhere*, to their
Medical College of Ohio Hospital
St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center
The Toledo Hospital
There have been some *experiments* with testicular implantation, but
at this time, the procedure is largely unsuccessful and no programs
are in place to accomodate men seeking to donate or sell a testicle.
--Missy |
Clarification of Answer by
21 Apr 2003 14:28 PDT
Hello again,
I've spoken at length with several representatives of the Medical
College of Ohio, located in Toledo, Ohio, about the processes by which
learning hospitals and research facilities obtain organs for research
purposes, and was informed that *under no circumstances* are research
specimens retrieved from healthy individuals. Research specimens are
obtained from cadavers and from amputations (in the case of limbs) or
removals made necessary by disease (in the case of organs).
I also contacted a friend at the University of Michigan Medical school
and asked him to search The National Institute of Health's Medline.
He writes:
"Hm...well, twelve million scientific articles in th National
Institute of
Health's Medline and about twenty minutes of looking and I haven't
found even a breath of anything that looks remotely like donating
healthy testicles..."
He goes on to state that enough testicles are removed for reasons such
as testicular cancer that there would be no reason to obtain testicles
from healthy individuals for research purposes - there is no shortage
of available specimens.
Additionally, even if healthy specimens were accepted, you would not
be paid for your donation. Neither living donors of organs, nor the
families of deceased donors receive monetary compensation, as such
compensation is prohibited by federal law:
"It is ILLEGAL to sell your organs in the United States. It is against
Federal law to sell organs in the United States. This offense is
punishable by a fine and imprisonment. The National Organ Transplant
Act (Public Law 98-507) prohibits the buying and selling of organs.
Among the reasons for this law is the concern of Congress that buying
and selling of organs might lead to inequitable access to donor organs
with the wealthy having an unfair advantage."
Myths About Organ Donation
If you're still interested in donating *any* of your organs or
tissues, why not sign an organ donor card, or bequeath your body to a
learning hospital in your area?
You can get more information here:
Donate Life