Hello anarchygirl-ga,
At the outset, I should emphasize the disclaimer at the bottom of this
page, which notes that answers and comments on Google Answers are
general information, and not substitutes for professional legal
advice. If you need complete and expert information on the DUI law,
you should consult an attorney in Pennsylvania.
I have found the text of the DUI law here:
"Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes - The Vehicle Code (Title 75) -
Part III Operation of Vehicles - Chapter 37. Miscellaneous Provisions.
- § 3731. Driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance."
(last revised July 2000)
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes / Unconsolidated Pennsylvania
There is also a provision on homicide by vehicle while DUI:
"Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes - The Vehicle Code (Title 75) -
Part III Operation of Vehicles - Chapter 37. Miscellaneous Provisions.
- § 3735. Homicide by vehicle while driving under influence." (last
revised July 2000)
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes / Unconsolidated Pennsylvania
As both of these pages note: "The complete Pennsylvania Statutes are
not yet available on the web. ... These statutes, though available
instantaneously over the web, may not be the current law. Court
decisions overturning them, later statutes amending them, and a host
of other factors come into play when interpreting them. They are
provided here as a resource. They should provide some information
about the state of the law. However, a competent lawyer, who from
other sources will research the law to insure what is current, should
always be employed in matters of importance."
If you want to check yourself on the text of these laws, you might
want to visit a nearby law library and ask a law librarian for the
text. If you cannot find a local law library, I would be happy to
find one for you, if you can tell me your general location in
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
site:state.pa.us "under the influence"
3731 "person shall not drive"
[I also checked on the Pennsylvania pages on FindLaw (
http://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/pa/laws.html ) and WashLaw (
http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/uslnd_tx.html#Pennsylvania ) to confirm
that there were no other major statutory compilations online with this
text.] |