Hello again, Bob, and thanks for the quick feedback. The contact
information you requested is:
Jim Ashby
Western Regional Climate Center
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
phone: 775-674-7010
fax: 775-674-7016
You can visit the website of the Western Regional Climate Center at:
This may be a worthwhile step before contacting Jim directly so that
you can familiarize yourself with some of the main data products they
have available.
Also, Jim and I communicated via email, so that if he should mention
that your request "sounds familiar", you can explain that I was acting
(more or less) as your research assistant.
I also want to mention that NOAA's National Data Center told me they,
too, could probably handle your request, but they were less definitive
than Jim Ashby was about their capabilities or pricing. But if you
want to contact them, their customer service number is 828-271-4800.
I hope this works out well for you, but if you should hit any snags,
please let me know through a Request for Clarification. I'd be glad
to go to bat for you to help untangle any problems that may arise.
search strategy: visited several weather-related sites from my
bookmark collection |