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town of Sliema, Malta
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: davidjenkinson-ga List Price: $20.00 |
21 Apr 2003 01:57 PDT
Expires: 21 May 2003 01:57 PDT Question ID: 193197 |
what is present name of street known as "Strada Nuova" from mid-nineteeth century to second world war? where is it located? | |
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Re: town of Sliema, Malta
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 23 Apr 2003 04:11 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello David, Actually, I was on the wrong track!!! I have now received an answer from the Malta Tourism Authority giving the current name of the street in Sliema known previously as Strada Nuova: "Please refer to your email addressed to the Malta Tourism Authority regarding your request for information. I would like to inform you that the street which was called Strada Nuova in Sliema now is called Arturo Mercieca Street. Trust that you will find this information useful. Yours sincerely, Stella Vella Senior Executive Customer Service Unit Human Resource & Support Services Directorate Malta Tourism Authority 229, Merchants Street Valletta CMR01 Tel: 22915555 Fax : 22915896 svell@visitmalta.com" If you look at the map on http://www.maltaonline.info/on_line/Services/mapimages/sliemamainmap.jpg you will see Str Arturo Mercieca Look to the left of the page fold. It is the third named street going at more or less right angles to the road running alongside the coast at the top of the map. I have not been able to find out about Royal Navy accommodation lists. I hope this does not disqualify my answer, since this was not part of your original query. There is an HMS Penelope Association with web site and newsletter http://homepage.ntlworld.com/mike.bee/Index.htm The site gives a contact email address, so perhaps someone from the Association will be able to give you some further information about the accommodation used by the Royal Navy in Malta at that time. And here are pictures of HMS Penelope http://www.pdwilson.co.uk/warships/penelope.htm http://www.killifish.f9.co.uk/Malta%20WWII/Naval%20Operations.htm My search also came up with the following resources, which might contain some relevant information. They do not appear to be readily available, and information on them is sparse. However, a library might be able to help you to find them. "The Royal Navy in Malta: a photographic record." by Bonnici, J., & Cassar, M., published in Malta in 1989 Information, but with no further details about this book, from http://www.xs4all.nl/~nizaar/Melita%20Historica/MH.10.4/A%20Select%20List%20of%20Books%20on%20Maltese%20History%20published%201986-1990.pdf Source: Melita Historica New Series. 10(1991)4(413-422) A SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON MALTESE HISTORY PUBLISHED 1986-90 by Salv Mallia featured on a site that collects articles about Maltese history http://www.xs4all.nl/~nizaar/Index.htm The Royal Navy at Malta : a collection of old photographs taken by the Ellis family at Malta Publisher: Maritime Books; ASIN: 0907771483 No further details given on Amazon, except that the book is out of print http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0907771483/qid=1051095346/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/002-9565794-3357650?v=glance&s=books Another site mentions two books of this title, dealing with the periods 1865-1906 and 1907-1945, respectively http://www.britishempire.co.uk/library/royalnavyatmalta.htm Search strategy: 1. Sliema "Strada Nuova" 2. Sliema "New Street" 3. English Maltese Dictionary 4. Triq Gdida 5. "Royal Navy" Malta 6. "HMS Penelope" plus contact with the Malta Tourism Authority |
rated this answer:![]() Dear Tehuti Congratulations> I am impressed. Not only 100% satisfactory answer, but lots of quality supplementary information I can follow up. Many thanks David Jenkinson |
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Re: town of Sliema, Malta
From: tehuti-ga on 21 Apr 2003 03:51 PDT |
Hello, I have not been able to provide a 100% confirmed answer, so am placing this as a comment. It might assist other researchers in completing the answer. On the other hand, if no further information is forthcoming and you would accept the details below as a full answer, please indicate this. The Italian street names in Malta were changed into their English equivalents after World War II. For example: "Up St John's (called San Giovanni at that period when all streets bore Italian names) we scampered past the Promotion Ring built into the wall of the Castellania on the corner of Strada Merchanti (Merchants' Street) in which was the market but it was on our return journey that we called there because of siesta and so on. On the level now past the Co Cathedral of St John's itself and across Strada Reale (Republic Street)" http://www.aboutmalta.com/grazio/summer36.html Strada Nuova means New Street. There is a New Street in Sliema, as shown by this address: Hotel Elba, 52, New Street, Sliema, Malta http://interhotel.com/malta/en/hoteles/46841.html Here however, the trail runs dry, because I am unable to find a map of Sliema at sufficiently high resolution and detail to show this street. The approximate location of the Hotel Elba can be seen on this map: http://www.maltavista.net/en/map/big/7-8.html The most detailed map I have found is here: http://www.maltaonline.info/on_line/Services/mapimages/sliemamainmap.jpg but I cannot find New Street on it. The map has many names in Maltese, and I wondered if English names had all been translated into Maltese after Independence, so I found an English-Maltese dictionary http://www.aboutmalta.com/language/engmal.htm I established that "New Street" in Maltese would be "Triq Gdida" However, although a web search turned this up as a street name in other Maltese towns, I did not find it in the context of Sliema, which makes me think that New Street is still the only current name of the street. |
Re: town of Sliema, Malta
From: tehuti-ga on 24 Apr 2003 03:58 PDT |
Thank you very much for the kind words and the tip. I was pleased to be able to track this down for you finally! |
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