Vertical-interest web sites with 50,000 unique visitors
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce Asked by: maggee-ga List Price: $200.00 |
21 Apr 2003 10:49 PDT
Expires: 21 May 2003 10:49 PDT Question ID: 193366 |
I would like to find out the names and web addresses of the vertical-interest websites that have 50,000 unique visitors a month. I am not interested in huge sites like Web MD, I'm looking for medium-size sites. I would like the sites to be content oriented in the following fields, weight-loss, diabetes, investments, religion and fly-fishing. Thanks! I am interested in health sites | |
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Re: Vertical-interest web sites with 50,000 unique visitors
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 20 May 2003 08:29 PDT |
<Sites selling over $1000 of books through affiliate links. Anaconda.net earns $1000 per quarter in referral fees from Amazon. http://www.anaconda.net/ap_quotes.shtml The Lang Co. Sold over $100,000 worth of books. http://www.makura.com/bookstore/navnotes.html Spirit walk Sold over $1000 of books through Amazon. http://www.spiritwalk.org/calendar.htm Disobey.com Sold $30,000 worth of books. http://www.disobey.com/low/archives/poor_richards/1999/31.txt The Gumbo pages Sold $1500 worth of books in 2 weeks. http://www.gumbopages.com/looka/archive/1999-08.html The B&R Samizdat Express http://www.samizdat.com/ Sells $1400 worth of books via Amazon, receiving $55.51 in referral fees. http://www.samizdat.com/affil2.html Interesting books. http://members.aol.com/jbdelong/books.html Books sold 13 per week. http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/Comments/Kaching.html Received $260 in referral fees for 4 month sales (approximately $1000 in books sold). http://www.midnightowlvideo.com/Donations/Donations.htm Lots of websites report that they earn a modest income from book sales for example surrealist bookstore http://surrealist.org/books.html sold $590 worth of books in the first quarter of 2001, earning $39.49 in referral fees. http://steamboats.com/checks.html This site earnt $43.02 for one quarters book sales with Amazon. http://www.rageboy.com/letters-html/letter-5-7-98.html $100 cheque from amazon. http://www.contraryinvestor.com/moarchive2000/mo020800.htm $72.84 cheque. http://www.rageboy.com/0.52.html $56.31 cheque. http://www.floatplan.com/kwfl/tales-of-kwfl/kwfl-tale2/kwfl-tale2-pt1.html Fly fishing market. The U.S. market for fly fishing was $678 million in 2000. This was an increase of 18 % on 1998. http://www.affta.com/news_09172001.htm There are an estimated 10.9 million fly anglers in the U.S. http://www.flyfishingjournal.com/whatsnew.htm Trout unlimited in a non-profit organisation involved in conservation of trout and salmon fisheries. It has 125,000 members. http://www.tu.org/about_tu/tu_mission.html Fly fishing sites with over 50,000 unique visitors per month. Noreast.com Over 100,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.noreast.com/today/webrates1.cfm Fly Anglers Online 5,000 unique visitors per day or 152,000 per month http://www.flyanglersonline.com/about/media/ The Trout Fishing Society. 2800 visitors per day or 85,000 per month. http://www.fishingsociety.org/troutinfo.html The Fly Fishing Forum Several thousand unique visitors each week. http://www.flyfishingforum.com/advertising/main.htm Fishing works.com http://www.fishingworks.com/ Alexa ranking of 70,635 Landbigfish.com http://www.landbigfish.com/home.cfm Alexa ranking of 127,107 Bigfishtackle.com http://www.bigfishtackle.com/ 331,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.top9.com/01_2001/sports_hobbies/outdoors/fishing_boating.html eangler.com http://www.eangler.com/index.asp 119,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.top9.com/sports_hobbies/outdoors/fishing_boating.html FFO Tackle http://www.ffo-tackle.com/ 125,000 unique visitors per month http://www.top9.com/01_2001/sports_hobbies/outdoors/fishing_boating.html Weight loss market. The weight loss market is worth $39 billion in the U.S. http://www.the-infoshop.com/study/md11355_weight_loss_diet_control.html There are currently 52 million dieters in the U.S. Weight loss sites with over 50,000 unique visitors per month. Ediets.com http://www.ediets.com/ 1,952,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.top9.com/health_family_culture/health_matters/fitness_diet.html Dietsmart.com 104,000 unique visitors. http://www.dietsmart.com/cgi-bin/dietsmart?Index.sb http://www.top9.com/health_family_culture/health_matters/fitness_diet.html Prevention.com http://www.prevention.com/ 95,000 unique visitors. http://www.top9.com/health_family_culture/health_matters/fitness_diet.html Weightwatchers.co.uk http://www.weightwatchers.co.uk/index.aspx 321,000 unique visitors. http://www.top9.com/health_family_culture/health_matters/fitness_diet.html Dietwatch.com http://www.dietwatch.com/dietwatch3/about/pressStory.asp?story=9 Over 41,666 unique visitors. http://www.top9.com/health_family_culture/health_matters/fitness_diet.html Trimlife.com 188,000 visitors a day. Dietsmart.com 104,000 visitors a day. Diabetes market. According to a study from Business Communications Company Inc. the world diabetes market is almost $18 billion and is expected to reach $26.8 billion by 2007. http://www.bccresearch.com/editors/RB-158.html About 16 million Americans have diabetes. http://ndep.nih.gov/materials/mediakits/gen-audience/diabetessnapshot.pdf 150 million people in the world have diabetes. http://www.worlddiabetesfoundation.org/aboutus-7highlights.htm Diabetes sites with more than 50,000 unique visitors. Children with Diabetes http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com/index_cwd.htm 96,723 unique visitors. http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com/stats/200205/index_01_b.htm Diabetes.org http://www.diabetes.org/main/application/commercewf 379,000 unique visitors http://www.top9.com/01_2001/top99s/top99_health_sites.html Investments market. According to Nielson /Netratings more than 44 percent of the active web population visited a finance web site in January 2002. Finance sites had 51.6 million unique visitors in January, who spent an average 21 minutes browsing finance and investment sites. 53 percent were men and 47 percent women. http://cyberatlas.internet.com/markets/finance/article/0,,5961_983221,00.html Investments sites with more than 50,000 unique visitors. Clear Station http://clearstation.etrade.com/ Approximately 83,000 unique visitors per month (1 million per year) http://clearstation.etrade.com/doc/pr/pr_1million.html Stocklab.com http://www.stocklab.com/new/rightsideindex.html 50,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.stocklab.com/new/advertise.html Indian economy online Over 50,000 visitors per month. http://www.ieo.org/news_reports.html Investtools.com http://www.investools.com/c/IT/home/home 300,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.investools.com/c/help.pl/Info/pr/20000523.html Advice Online http://www.adviceonline.co.uk/ 350,000 unique visitors per month. Religion market. According to Brenda Brasher, assistant professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Mount Union College, Ohio. There are over one million religious websites. According to Jupiter Media Matrix, 6.4% of the U.S. online population visited a religious website in March 2002. Christian sites attract the greatest audience. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1945979.stm The most popular sites attract millions of unique visitors. For example the Interview with God receives a quarter of a million visitors per month. http://www.cathtelecom.com/news/202/002.php Religion sites with more than 50,000 visitors per month. Sacred Texts 152,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.sacred-texts.com/about.htm Catholic exchange Over 160,000 visitors per month. http://www.catholicexchange.com/ad/faq.asp Catholic World News 120,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.cwnews.com/about/advertising.cfm Christianity Today.com 633,000 unique visitors http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Christianbook.com 890,000 unique visitors http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Catholic.org 416,000 unique visitors http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Catholic Freebies 300,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.catholicfreebies.com/advertise.cfm Jewish world Review 168,000 unique visitors. http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Wuzupgod.com 652,000 unique visitors. http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Liveoakfbc.org 556,000 unique visitors http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjub/200204/0235.html Catholicweb.com Approximately 150,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.catholicweb.com/about_advertising.cfm Epistemelinks.com Approximately 120,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/EncyRefs.aspx?Initial=N Enciclopedia Catolica 91,250 unique visitors per month. http://www.enciclopediacatolica.com/english/faq.htm gp4teens.com http://gp4teens.com/ 60,833 visitors per month. http://islamicity.com/awards/Time/020513/page2.htm Islamicity.com http://islamicity.com/ 1 million unique visitors per month. http://islamicity.com/awards/Time/020513/page2.htm Torahtots.com 3-5,000 unique visitors per day. http://www.torahtots.com/abouttt.htm FaithandValues.com 150,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.religionnews.com/press02/PR042803.html Interfaithfamily.com 13,250 unique visitors per month. http://www.interfaithfamily.com/article/issue100/friedland.phtml Connectingchristians.com http://www.connectingchristians.com/ 13,000 unique visitors a month. http://www.buysellwebsite.com/appraisals/jan2003/christian.htm JesusManitoba.com 10,000 unique visitors a month. http://www.chazm.com/advertising/sitestatistics.html Christians Online/Christianity.com (the two websites have merged) http://home.christianity.com/ 60,000 unique visitors per month. http://ads.conline.net/ SeekGod.org http://www.seekgod.org/ Over 30,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.freespiritcentre.info/index.html Women Today Magazine (WTM) http://www.womentodaymagazine.com/ Over 48,000 unique visitors per month. http://www.gospelcom.net/guide/resources/case-study.php> <Additional links:> <Amazon do not disclose how much they pay to associates.> <http://zdnet.com.com/2100-11-513912.html?legacy=zdnn> <Search strategy :> <"amazon associates"> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22amazon+associates%22+&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1> <"check from amazon"> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22check+from+amazon%22+&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=30&sa=N> <"50,000 unique visitors" "stocks"> <://www.google.com/search?q=%2250,000+unique+visitors%22+%22stocks%22&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=10&sa=N> <"sold over $1000" books> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22sold+over+%241000%22+books> <"million religious sites"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22million+religious+sites%22> <unique visitors" Christian> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22unique+visitors%22+christian> <Hope this helps.> |
Re: Vertical-interest web sites with 50,000 unique visitors
From: fluffy890-ga on 22 Apr 2003 13:22 PDT |
There are many sites on the internet that provide traffic rankings. A simple way to do this, that is especially categorized, is to visit http://www.alexa.com and look through their ranking systems. http://www.top9.com will also give you a great deal of information to guide you on your search |
Re: Vertical-interest web sites with 50,000 unique visitors
From: robertskelton-ga on 22 Apr 2003 18:05 PDT |
Hi Maggee, I doubt that the following information is of any use for your stated purpose, so I'm posting this as a comment. There is no way to find every site with x number of visitors, regardless of category. A few sites make public their number of visitors, but in general such data is kept private. The numbers are sometimes found either on something like an "advertise with us" page, or if they use a free statistics service - just click on the little logo at the bottom of the page. Alexa is the best option you have. It's data is taken from a small sample - those who use the Alexa toolbar, but it isn't bad for sites of the popularity you are investigating. Based on my own sites, and where they appear within Alexa, I feel that an Alexa Rank of between 30,000 and 150,000 is where you will find sites with 50,000 visitors per month. Where possible I've included actual figures. Alexa Directory -------------- http://www.alexa.com/site/browse Weight Loss ------------ The Weight Loss Zone http://freeweightloss.com Rank: 39,641 Diet Information http://diet-i.com Rank: 33,263 Practical Weight Loss http://practicalweightloss.com Rank: 69,988 Weight Loss and Diet Directory http://checkweight.net Rank: 73,001 Weight Remedy Net http://weightremedy.net Rank: 113,645 Calories Burned, BMI and BMR Calculator http://caloriesperhour.com Rank: 130,870 Diabetes -------- Novo Nordisk http://novonordisk.com Rank: 40,441 Children with Diabetes http://childrenwithdiabetes.com Rank: 84,973 The Canadian Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.ca Rank: 98,923 Joslin Diabetes Center http://joslin.org Rank: 126,993 Investments ------------ Indian Financial Markets http://myiris.com Rank: 13,492 Investopedia Financial Glossary http://investopedia.com Rank: 21,075 (650,000+ monthly users) http://www.investopedia.com/investopedia/advertising.asp Prophet Finance http://prophetfinance.com Rank: 32,416 TradeTrack Corp. http://tradetrek.com Rank: 33,991 (7.5 million page views per month) http://www.tradetrek.com/home/advertise.asp Dow Jones & Co., Inc. http://dowjones.com Rank: 34,831 Equis http://www.equis.com/ Rank: 36,974 Stock Consultant.com http://stockconsultant.com Rank: 46,684 ON24, Inc. http://on24.com Rank: 47,306 Thomson Investors Network http://thomsoninvest.net Rank: 48,978 Multex.com, Inc. http://multex.com Rank: 49,429 Stock Technical Analysis http://stockta.com Rank: 50,436 Black Enterprise http://blackenterprise.com Rank: 52,336 (350,000 visitors per month) http://www.blackenterprise.com/AboutUsOpen.asp?Source=Pages/dotcom.html Marvel Financial Services http://swissquote.com Rank: 55,671 Decision Point http://decisionpoint.com Rank: 57,127 DownloadQuotes http//downloadquotes.com Rank: 67,418 Tax-news.com http://tax-news.com Rank: 88,923 Tradng Glossary http://trading-glossary.com Rank: 95,982 Wealth Lab http://wealth-lab.com Rank: 111,312 Data Shaping Solutions, LLC http://datashaping.com Rank: 169,395 (more tham 100,000 visitors per year) http://www.datashaping.com/adlink.shtml Site-By-Site http://site-by-site.com Rank: 174,467 Religion ------- The Free Spirit Centre http://freespiritcentre.info Rank: 38,865 (20,000 unique visitors in a month) http://www.freespiritcentre.info/advertise.html OBOD: The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids: The Druid Grove http://druidry.org Rank: 67,318 (17,000 per month) http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?tab=1&link=2&id=390179 In His Image http://www.hisimage.org Rank: 135,835 (45,000 per month) http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?interval=day_permonth&tab=1&link=2&id=324796 Fly Fishing ---------- (I couldn't find any that popular) Book Sales Affiliate ------------------ I have also found you one example for affiliate book sales: SearchEngineZ.com http://searchenginez.com Monthly unique visitors: 53,888 http://www.onestat.com/asp/report.asp?p=1&dstart=2003/03/01&dend=2003/03/31&d=2003/03/23&m=d&period=lastmonth Stats according to Alexa http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?q=&url=http://searchenginez.com/about.html (based on this one example, 50,000 visitors per month = a rank of roughly 50,000th at Alexa) Total books sold through affiliate links in March: $10,000 (The books sold figure could not be found by the general public, I can only tell you the figure because the site is mine. You won't find any affiliate sites telling the public how much they sell.) Another site of mine, which has an Alexa rank of 1,171,271 gets roughly 10,000 visitors per month http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?q=survive%202012&url=http://survive2012.com/ Another, rank 582,918, gets 6,000 visitors http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?q=googlefan&url=http://googlefan.com/ Nedstat Hit Counters -------------------- Nedstat has a directory of sites which use their free hit counter. The figures listed are daily visitors, so within each category you are looking for 1600-1700 per day. Religion http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?tab=4&link=3&partner=1&country=0&level=2&category=9006 Business & Economics http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?tab=4&link=1&category=2000&partner=1&country=0 Fishing http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?tab=4&link=3&partner=1&country=0&level=2&category=15019 robertskelton-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: Vertical-interest web sites with 50,000 unique visitors
From: maggee-ga on 23 Apr 2003 09:48 PDT |
Dear robertskelton-ga: I know that finding the info I'm looking for is going to be a challenge, but thanks so much for letting me know about your service and for listing all of the sites you think are appropriate. I will go look at your site to see if it will be useful in my quest. Maggee |
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