Hello kiwiinuk00,
Thank you for your question.
As a fellow sufferer, I can understand your search for natural relief.
In my case, it requires prescription medications, but fortunately,
asthma spells have reduced to about 1 or 2 per year as I have aged.
Do note the disclaimer below that Google Answers is not a substitute
for professional medical advice. We simply provide research. My answer
is meant to be informative only.
That being said, lets take a look at a definition of asthma.
"What Is Asthma?
Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which can be
triggered by air pollutants, pollens, molds, dust, animal dander,
chemicals, exercise, foods or even changes in temperature. These
triggers produce allergens, which are then absorbed into the blood
stream causing the B cells or white blood cells to produce billions of
molecules of the antibody IgE. These IgE molecules in the bloodstream
then combine with the mast cells, which line the blood vessels or
basophils, a type of white blood cell.
Mast cells and basophils both contain histamine and serotonin, and the
antibody IgE causes the mast cells and basophils to leak the histamine
and serotonin into the blood stream. In addition to this, the
production of a group of fatty acids called lucotrienes or Lt's are
the primary cause of asthma symptoms. Lt's are formed by the
combination or action of two enzymes, phospholipase A2 and
When you experience an asthma attack the walls of the lungs become
inflamed and the mucus membranes fill with fluid and thick, sticky
mucus making it difficult to breathe. Common asthma symptoms are a
scratchy throat, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and a tight
feeling in the chest. An asthma attack can be mild, moderate or severe
and lasting for a few minutes, hours, or even several days..."
So, as you can see, an attack is the result of inflammation. I'm
surprised you ask about "lung regeneration" as permanent lung damage
is not something I associate with asthma. I will check that in just a
moment. But, if you suspect permanent damage, you may not have asthma
but another ailment.
The above mentioned page is also selling a report on natural
treatments of asthma. I have no experience with their product or
suggestions and can not comment other than to make this link available
to you. They say:
"If You are Seeking an Effective, Safe and Natural Asthma Treatment:
The Asthma Relief Report can positively change your life. You can have
rapid, effective relief from asthma & allergies without negative side
effects or using harmful drugs. The Asthma Relief Report is based on
extensive research about genuinely effective alternative treatment for
asthma & allergies. The report is 100% unconditionally guaranteed..."
This report sells for $19.95 at this page:
My search turns up a number of claimed natural or homeopathic
remedies, and once again, having no experience with them, I can only
offer their links and the information they provide:
Asthma Complex, Liquid
Natural and Homeopathic Relief For:
· Allergic Asthma Attacks Relief
· Bronchial Asthma Attacks Relief
· Emotional Asthma Attacks Relief
Nova applies a system of medicine that is based on the Law of
Similars.The truth of this law has been verified
experimentally and clinically for the last 200 years.
· All natural ingredients
· No side effects
· No drowsiness
· Advanced formulation
· FDA Registered
· NDC 52731-7006
T-Up Biosystems
What causes ASTHMA? First, may I ask you what you would prefer - to
listen to a long traditional scientific story about the might of
modern medicine? Or stories about how modern medicine has discovered
all the reasons of asthma with one "small" exception - how to cure it?
Or, is it better to discuss what you can practically do to get a
long-waiting cure for asthma?..."
This page sells a product for $29.95
Organic Nutrition UK has some interesting thoughts related to asthma:
"Asthma and asthmatics
The following article gives information about the very uncomfortable
condition of asthma.
It is true that modern society and pollution has increased asthma
levels around the world but you can fight back and help your body
increase is defences against asthma.
As part of our regular newsletter there will be examples of successful
alternative treatments....
...Asthma is divided into two categories: intrinsic, for which there
is no identifiable cause for the attacks, and extrinsic, which is
caused by something (usually inhaled) that triggers an attack...
...While herbs, home remedies or natural medication may help in
relieving the condition, it is imperative to listen to your health
practitioner. If you are on medication, natural medication can assist,
but should not be taken as a complete substitute. Believe it or not,
research has shown that coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks, cocoa and
chocolate all contain caffeine as well as other compounds that may
help fend off asthma.
Coffee has been shown to be a potent bronchodilator. If caught without
your medication, a few cups of coffee could assist in an emergency.
All the products above contain natural anti-asthmatic compounds -
theobromine and theophylline. These chemicals help stop bronchospasms
and open constricted bronchial passages. There are of course variables
depending on the strength of the brew etc. But on average coffee is
the most concentrated form of caffeine, followed by tea, cola drink &
cocoa then a chocolate bar. However there are side effects to high
consumption of the above, use only in moderation, and/or in an
emergency. Coffee addiction is not advocated.
One thing a person with asthma should stay away from is dairy
products. Dairy products constrict the bronchial passageways. Many
people who eat dairy notice that after they eat it, their noses and/or
sinuses are congested. Or they wheeze or can't breath as easily.
Ginkgo Biloba is another very good herb that is good for fighting
allergies. It is particularly helpful with asthma. Ginkgo is
anti-inflammatory and relaxes the lungs. It has been used in Chinese
medicine for hundred of years. Taken as either a tincture or a tea.
Echinacea and Garlic combine well to help fight chest infections:
asthma, flu and colds. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and
expectorant*. In some asthma patients the mucus glands in the airways
produce excessively thick mucus which further obstructs the airflow.
As garlic is an expectorant, it can help with these symptoms..."
They continue with other natural ingredients including fennel,
licorice and more that may be helpful to you. A very interesting page.
Personally, I am much more inclined to try natural herbs from a health
food store than bottled products from unknown web vendors. But some
have what appear to be excellent endorsements and money back
guarantees. The choice is, of course, yours.
"Natural Asthma Relief
By C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D.
Asthma leaves some 15 million Americans gasping for breath. And
asthma's incidence has been steadily rising in the past four decades,
more than doubling since 1980. Although the tendency to develop asthma
can be genetic, both environmental and dietary factors are major
causes for the increase.
For example, the incidence of asthma, especially in children, is much
greater in urban areas where polluted air is more prevalent. Even more
striking is that asthma is a new disease. Like coronary artery
disease, asthma was virtually unknown 100 years ago, and is still rare
in many developing countries.1...
...Asthma Prevention and Relief
Identifying and avoiding the dietary and environmental factors that
trigger asthma are essential parts of a natural treatment plan.
Unfortunately, people can't always avoid everything that might bother
them, so it is equally important to implement an aggressive
nutritional supplement plan designed to raise trigger thresholds.
Asthma is exacerbated by certain nutrient deficiencies. These
deficiencies stem from a poor, unsupplemented diet coupled with
nutrient depletion from the stress associated with asthma and allergy
attacks. Furthermore, undiagnosed food allergies, some asthma
medications and candidiasis can irritate the gastrointestinal system,
which reduces nutrient absorption.
Asthma is amenable to natural treatments. Asthmatics using medication
should not discontinue them abruptly; instead they should work closely
with a health care provider to design a plan best suited to the
severity of their illness, and decrease medication doses under
supervised care. Since asthma can be life-threatening, asthmatics
should follow these common-sense precautions:
Use hypoallergenic supplements.
Avoid magnesium or vitamin C in excess of 3 g per day if kidney
disease or dysfunction is present.
Avoid fish, fish oil or shark-liver oil if fish allergies are
Be cautious when supplementing medicinal herbs if fruits, vegetables,
condiments, culinary herbs and spices or flower pollens trigger
allergic reactions.
Use one product at a time, and take one capsule daily, to slowly build
up the dosage.
I recommend the following daily supplements to prevent or treat
asthma. The supplements work synergistically, so to make the most of
the plan, include them all.
Antioxidantsincluding 400 IU vitamin E and 100 mcg seleniumcounter
the free radical damage incurred during inflammatory responses.4
Vitamin C is a powerful antihistamine without side effects, and it
enhances immune response.8 Take at least 1 g with bioflavonoids three
times per day. For exercise-induced asthma, take 2 g 20 to 30 minutes
before exercise.9
Fish oil is another anti-inflammatory. Take 2 to 4 g.
Glutamine powder is indicated for patients with candidiasis and for
food allergy recovery. Take 10 to 20 g.10
Magnesium levels are chronically low in asthmatics, and the mineral
helps relax the bronchial tubes and smooth muscle of the esophagus.11
A therapeutic dose is 400 to 800 mg.
Multivitamins/minerals that include 25 to 75 mg B complex, 400 to 800
mcg folic acid, 15 to 20 mg zinc and 400 mcg chromium picolinate can
be helpful. Vitamins B6 and B12 are especially important and are most
likely to be deficient.4,12
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant that increases glutathione
levels and thins bronchial mucus.13 Take 200 to 500 mg three times per
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), helps form antibodies. Take 250 mg.
Quercetin, a bioflavonoid, is antihistaminic and antiallergenic.14 It
is known to inhibit mast cells from releasing inflammatory
compounds.15 Take 500 mg twice daily..."
Do read this entire article.
As you can see, there are many, many articles on the Internet on
natural asthma relief. You can repeat my searches below to identify
others. Here are a few additional links I found informative:
Botanical Relief - Allergy / Asthma Relief
"Natural and Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers
Once you've taken control of any emotional causes of your asthma, you
can begin to reduce or eliminate your dependence on traditional asthma
medications. Many of the nutrients and herbs that I'm about to
recommend are commonly used to treat allergies as well..."
The only ISO 9002 Accredited Herbal Formulation for Asthma ...
Giving a new life to Thousands of Asthma patients worldwide .....
Energetic Solutions.com
Learn How Some People Have Overcome Asthma Naturally
Ceasar's Herbal Kingdom
"ASMA 2000, in its current form, was created about 10 years ago and
has been widely distributed and used by numerous persons, some of whom
have submitted written testimonials and letters of recommendation.
In the interest of time and space, only a few of the many poignant
testimonials received can be posted to this website..."
Asthma Relief Using Natural Therapies
I promised to check on permanent lung damage from asthma for you as
American Lung Association
Occupational asthma, one form of asthma, is a lung disease in which
the airways overreact to dusts,vapors, gases, or fumes that exist in
the workplace. When these irritants are inhaled:
Airway inflammation begins.
Muscles in the airways tighten.
The airway tissue swells.
Too much mucus is produced.
These changes all make breathing difficult.
Occupational asthma is usually reversible, but permanent lung damage
can occur if exposure to the substance that causes the disease
continues. In highly sensitive persons, even very low levels of
exposure may provoke an episode..."
"...Repeated exposure to allergens contributes to airway wall
thickening in patients with allergic asthma, and research has provided
clues to exactly how this happens. Dr. Jeffery, who is on the faculty
of the Imperial College School of Medicine in London, explained that
allergens can pass through the epithelial tight junction and interact
within antigen-presenting cells at the base of the airway epithelium.
In response to this invasion, lymphocytes release regulatory
cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5. That response, if
repeated, causes allergic eosinophilic inflammation, which, in asthma,
is associated with a homogeneous thickening of the reticular basement
and The University of North Carolina Pulminary and Critical Care
"...Asthma ordinarily causes no permanent lung damage. When asthma is
controlled, the condition of your lungs return to normal. So, it is
important that you take care of yourself and see your doctor on a
regular basis so an asthma control plan can be developed for you and
followed by you. Once you have a plan, you will only need to spend a
few minutes each day to monitor and control your disease..."
So, it appears that continued exposure to the irritants that can
provoke an attack is where the danger of permanent damage lies and
asthma under control allows irritated lungs to heal.
Search Strategy:
asthma +natural +relief OR cure
asthma +permanent +lung damage
I trust my research has provided interesting and informative reading
and has offered several views on natural ways to control asthma. If a
link above should fail to work or anything require further explanation
or research, please do post a Request for Clarification prior to
rating the answer and closing the question and I will be pleased to
assist further.
-=clouseau=- |