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Q: wisest, cheapest cost per click adwords ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: wisest, cheapest cost per click adwords
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: ray_on_the_web-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 22 Apr 2003 10:19 PDT
Expires: 22 May 2003 10:19 PDT
Question ID: 193867
what is the wisest and cheapest way to use cost per click adwords

Clarification of Question by ray_on_the_web-ga on 23 Apr 2003 06:01 PDT
my preference is to 'tip' and tip well for great and insight filled
answers. my number 1 preference is for a response based on personal
experience such as question id 193871
Subject: Re: wisest, cheapest cost per click adwords
Answered By: serenata-ga on 24 Apr 2003 21:51 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi Ray ~

There is a lot of information about Pay Per Click bidding strategies
written, and the information is available - provided you want to pay
for it. Finding good information that is available without paying for
what might well be just generalized nonsense is a bit harder.

First of all, the Adventive Discussion Lists are a font of
information. Subscribing is free, and their contributors to such lists
as I-Search, I-Sales, Link Exchange Digest (which they reacquired from
Microsoft) and the I-Help Desk often read like a "who's who on the
There have been discussions of cost per click (or pay per click) on
  * I-Search (moderated by Detlev Johnson)
  * I-Sales (moderated by John Counsel, formerly by John Audette)
  * I-Help Desk (moderated by Eva Rosenberg)
  * LED (moderated by Adam Audette)

To subscribe to any of these discussion lists (and I highly recommend
them), you can go to -

and their archives are searchable by clicking on the links. 

Having pointed out that source of information, and remembering a
discussion of ppc stragegies, I went hunting.

Jerry Robertson suggests:
   1. Setting a maximum bid;
   2. Using specific keywords, which are generally more profitable and
less expensive than general terms. (ie., you may not get as many
clicks, but the quality is better).
   3. Aim for a top 5 ranking, but not necessarily the number 1
ranking. Being number 2 or 3 can be just as effective for considerably
less per click.
   4. Learn to effective employ "gap bidding" techniques (Gap bidding
is the difference between bids of a keyword. Bid 1 cent more than the
position you desire. - watch for the big gaps).
   5. Google Adwords and Overture will bring  you the most traffic by

Jerry Robertson's suggestions, as well as some links to other PPC
information, can be fo und here:

The above suggestions are pretty much echoed by Kurt Thumlert in an
article on Sitepoint:

In addition, if you're really interested in getting into the hows and
whys of different pay per click strategies, I would suggest joining
Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Watch (it, too, is free). There are so
many different strategies for the different search engines and pay per
clicks that your head will swim. The good part is that the information
is very good information, and the results are trackable, so it's not
like accepting something at face value. You can verify the results.

 You can get more information and join Search Engine Watch at:

Search terms used:

* On Adventive 
   - search engine strategies
   - ppc
   - ppc strategies

* On Google
   - pay per click
   - ppc
   - ppc strategies
   - ppc tricks
   - ppc advice

I hope this at least gets you started ...

ray_on_the_web-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $20.00
yes this answer gets me started- i'm off and running. thanks

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