Hello Cynandco ...
In addition to the comments below, there are some things specifically
you need to know and to apply to your site.
The first question is -- have you submitted your site to Google?
Google's form to add your URL is found here:
- ://www.google.com/addurl.html
Google offers a list of suggestions on what you can do to get your
site indexed and listed in Google.
They include:
1. Submit your site to DMOZ and Yahoo. (See: What else can I do to get
listed in Google?)
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html
2. Pay attention to "Google Information for Webmasters" where Google
offers helpful suggestions thoroughly describe how important rich text
content is in order ot get listed.
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html
3. The proper use of TITLE and ALT tags (ensure they are descriptive
and accurate).
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html
There are further explanations on how to not only get your page
listed, but increase chances of favorable page ranking at:
- ://www.google.com/webmasters/4.html
Your website as it currently exists gives very little for Google's
search engine to list or rank. And while your sunflowers are lovely,
it takes more than your lovely pictures in order to get listed in
search engines.
One of the foremost experts in proper web design for search engine
optimization is Danny Sullivan, who runs Search Engine Watch,
http://www.searchenginewatch.com. You may want to take the time to
review the material available on this site in order to redesign your
site to optimize your chances for listing, and a better page rank. If
you're so inclined, you may way to subscribed to stay on top of this
ever-changing 'rules' of search engine optimization.
Good luck in your endeavors.
Serenata |