Hello Mr. Sneaky ~
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I could find nothing that would preclude your conveying the property
by warranty deed if you are the only person with an interest in the
According to Arizona Revised Statutes 42-18258 (ARS 42-18258), a
Treasurer's Deed only forecloses the previous owner's right to redeem
the property for unpaid taxes, but "does not extinguish any lien for
an assessment levied pursuant to title 48, chapter 4, 6 or 14, or
section 9-276."
- http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/42/18258.htm
The Treasurer is required under ARS 42-18253 to perform a title search
"Before delivering a treasurer's deed under this article, the county
treasurer shall cause a title search to be made that is sufficient to
identify all parties who have a legal or equitable interest in the
property recorded with the county recorder in the county where the
property is located." In that case, the title search would include any
other parties with a recorded interest in the property.
- http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/42/18253.htm
I could find nothing in Arizona Revised Statutes, either under
"Property" (Title 33) or "Taxation" (Title 42) that would preclude
your conveying the property under Warranty Deed.
If you feel comfortable enough to assume the liability (or have your
own Title Insurance Report) to warrant that no other parties have an
interest in the property, you can convey ownership by Warranty Deed.
ARS 33-402 requires your adding "and I warrant the title against all
persons whomsoever" (or other words of warranty) as sufficient wording
in a Warranty Deed.
- http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/33/00402.htm
** Search terms used
- Google
Arizona law +"treasurer's deed"
- Arizona Revised Statutes
Treasurer's Deed
Warranty Deed
Procedure +Treasurer's Deed
I trust this answers your question.
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