Hello nusurf-ga,
Here is a recipe for surf wax, including warm surf wax:
"Surf Weather and More..." [scroll to bottom of page for "Surf Wax"]
Mike Neurauter's Home Page
While I cannot vouch for whether the recipe will work for you, the
idea that paraffin wax is the main component (with a higher
percentage in warm water wax), while microcrystalline wax can be a
secondary component, is corroborated elsewhere. (It seems that
beeswax is an alternative to microcrystalline wax.)
"re: chemical components wax", post by Chaingun (08/05/2000) [scroll
down to about the middle of the page]
Google cache of Self Server Science Forum
"How do you make surf wax???", thread on <alt.surfing> (Feb. 17-21,
2001) [see messages 4 and 10]
Google Groups
"Are you supposed to wax the top or the bottom of the surfboard?"
The Straight Dope
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
I searched for the following terms, alone and in combinations, on
Google and Google Groups:
"warm water"
"surf wax"
"warm surf wax"
"surfboard wax"
"sex wax" [the brand name]
"make surf wax"
"recipe for surf wax"
beeswax |