A software package called "Produce Pro" sounds like it will meet your
Produce Pro: Software for Wholesale Produce Distribution
"Produce Pro is a uniquely customized, fully integrated resource
management and accounting system, designed to support and streamline
the fresh produce distribution cycle."
" Produce Pro is your total management solution designed specifically
for the produce wholesale distributor
The Produce Pro software system is designed for the unique needs of
the Celeryproduce industry. Produce Pro is your all-in-one solution
for easy and efficient order entry, purchasing, optimized inventory
control, streamlined operations and much more.
Produce Pro is a fully-integrated information system that is capable
of running your entire business. Each of these primary modules is
included in the base product of the Produce Pro system:
* Purchasing & Receiving
* Sales Orders
* Inventory Control
* Transportation
* Sales Analysis
* Accounting
* Utilities"
source: Producepro.com
Other software:
Famous Software
"Windows based product designed for packer/shippers, growers, brokers
and distributors in the agricultural industry."
dProduceman Software
"dProduce Man Software is an integrated accounting and management
software designed specifically for the produce industry. We are
knowledgeable in produce operations and inventory management. It is
designed specifically for distributors, wholesalers, growers, and
Spokane Software Systems - Providing proven accounting and management
software for growers, packers, shippers, and brokers of produce
Franwell Software
"our main focus is to provide the best products available for the
agricultural and produce food industry. Our Agware logistics and
accounting system is adaptable for any agribusiness from growers,
packers, and shippers to food brokers, food distributors, and food
processors. We write industry specific software that works the way you
want it to."
Silvercreek Software
"Visual Produce is a full-featured management system written to
fulfill the needs of companies engaged in the fresh produce industry.
search strategy:
"produce distribution", software
"distributors of produce", software |