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Q: Labeled photograph or illustration of Wasatch mountains ( No Answer,   2 Comments )
Subject: Labeled photograph or illustration of Wasatch mountains
Category: Sports and Recreation > Outdoors
Asked by: xwakawaka-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 24 Apr 2003 14:58 PDT
Expires: 24 May 2003 14:58 PDT
Question ID: 195010

I am taking my girlfriend to Salt Lake City for the first time to meet
my parents. As we will be spending some time in the Wasatch Mountains
east of the Salt Lake Valley, I am hoping to refresh mine and my
girlfriends memories on the names of the major peaks and canyons east
of the Salt Lake Valley. I am searching for either a photograph or an
illustration (may be a fairly simple illustration) that displays the
peaks and canyons east of the Salt Lake Valley AS SEEN FROM THE VALLEY
FLOOR with the major peaks and canyons labeled. Answer should start on
the north extreme around ensign peak, and should continue to the south
past Lone Peak to the vicinity of Corner Canyon.

An acceptable answer will look something like this:

   Ensign Peak                 Grandeur Peak
    /|            ??               /\
\  /  \            /\             /  \     /
 \/    \----------/  \           /    \  -/
      Emmigration Cyn \---------/      \/  AND SO ON TO CORNER CYN
                        Parley's Canyon

I'm sure the forest service or the BLM or somebody has a diagram or
illustration like this but so far I've found nothing online.
Attempted searches:
Google Images Search various combinations of "Wasatch" "Salt Lake"
"name" "peaks" "diagram" "illustration"
Forest Service Web Site. stock photography site.
Some of the geographic features to appear (maybe this will help you):
Emmigration Canyon, Parley's Canyon, Grandeur Peak, Mount Olympus, Big
Cottonwood Canyon, Twin Peaks, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Lone Peak.

Imagine the impression on my very provincial family when my
out-of-town girlfrind casually mixes local geography references in
with conversation! Hope we can find this. Thanks

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 24 Apr 2003 17:35 PDT
Hello xwakawaka-ga,

I haven't found the illustration you're looking for, but I did locate
a comprehensive list of all the Wasatch peaks with links to
photographs of all of them. Would this meet your needs to help you jog
your memory? Thanks.


Request for Question Clarification by serenata-ga on 24 Apr 2003 19:02 PDT
Hi ~

I am looking out my window trying to remember all the names now, from
Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons, Millcreek, Mt. Olympus, etc., along
Wasatch Blvd ...

I know I have seen a site with all the canyons and peaks listed and I
thought I had it bookmarked. There is one in existance, it's more a
matter of finding it at this point.

I'm looking,

Request for Question Clarification by serenata-ga on 24 Apr 2003 19:20 PDT
I know the labeled peaks and canyons were available during the time of
the Olympics, but I can't find those now.

Perhaps some other Google Answers Researcher can locate such a map.

Good luck,

Request for Question Clarification by justaskscott-ga on 25 Apr 2003 07:02 PDT
I received a reply to my e-mail to the specialist on hiking in the
Wasatch area.  He did not know of a photograph or illustration such as
the one you're looking for.  However, he did provide me with a list of
the peaks and canyons as seen from the Salt Lake Valley, going north
to south.  He also told me of a publication from the organization he
belong to, which describes most of these canyons and peaks in detail
with photos and diagrams.

Would the list of peaks and canyons, along with information on this
publication, be a sufficient answer?

Clarification of Question by xwakawaka-ga on 25 Apr 2003 17:35 PDT
Thanks everyone for your interest in my question.

I already know the names of most of the peaks and canyons, so a list
will not be helpful. What I need is a visual reference like that
diagramed in the original question.


Request for Question Clarification by techtor-ga on 25 Apr 2003 21:56 PDT
Just to ask on a little point, I assume you prefer a side view or
angled from the sky illustration or picture than a top view map,

Clarification of Question by xwakawaka-ga on 26 Apr 2003 18:08 PDT
TO techtor-ga

As specified and diagrammed in the original question. Yes a side view,
so as to aid in recognition from the Salt Lake Vally floor.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Labeled photograph or illustration of Wasatch mountains
From: justaskscott-ga on 24 Apr 2003 16:51 PDT
I have contacted someone knowledgeable about hiking in the Wasatch
area.  I will let you know if I receive useful information in reply.
Subject: Re: Labeled photograph or illustration of Wasatch mountains
From: robertskelton-ga on 25 Apr 2003 21:31 PDT
I don't think it exists online, unless someone named it
fluffybunny.jpg and put it the middle of a page about line dancing.
Here are some almosts from my failed search:
(it's the sort of picture Nat Geo would make, so I checked there
(cool, but wrong angle and showing ski fields)
(It looks like a number of mountains might be numbered and listed
below the picture - click on it for a bigger image)

These guys could probably make it for you:

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