Hi gacy,
We've experienced the same phenomena as you, although our ladybugs
probably number in the hundreds, not in the millions. There are
different types of ladybugs (or beetles) and it is the Asian Ladybugs
which come into homes to hibernate for the winter. Since they have no
food source (fruit, aphids), most of them die but some people actually
enjoy having a few in the house in the winter (it reminds them of
their garden) and they leave a bit of orange or apple on the window
sill (or "feeding station") for their little house guests!
The best prevention is to lay in a good supply of caulk and seal up as
many possible entry points that you can find such as the cracks around
windows, doors and roofs.
"The best technique for managing lady beetles is first to prevent
their entry into houses and other buildings by sealing cracks and
openings around windows, doors, siding, and utility pipes with a
quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk. Similarly, repair door and
window screens or other openings to the outdoors using regular window
screening (about 18 X 16 mesh size)."
"A second method of prevention is to spray the outside of the house
with insecticide. A solution of water and Malathion can be sprayed on
the roof, sidewalls, and foundation on the outside of the building.
The solution will leave a bit of white substance on windows, however.
An alternative to soaking down the house would be to pick your
favorite door and window, and spray them. This will help with the
ingress and egress of your family and pets so you dont feel like a
prisoner in your own home.
Another chemical thats more targeted to the prevention of ladybugs is
Cypermethrin. Its expensive though. The chemical has a long residual
affect on the house, and actually deters the insects from landing on
the building. More information on Cypermethrin can be found at:
The most common way to deal with them is to vacuum them up.
"If beetles still gain entry into living spaces, they should be
removed using a broom and dustpan, or vacuum cleaner, and released
outdoors. When using a broom and dustpan, gently collect the beetles
to avoid alarming them. If alarmed, they may discharge a yellow fluid
that can stain walls, paint, and fabrics, and that has an unpleasant
odor. All lady beetles do this reflex bleeding when alarmed. The blood
comes out of the leg joints."
Put some sugar water (boil it to make sure the sugar gets dissolved)
and cover the jar with a funnel made from plastic or heavy paper and
secured with a rubberband. Cut a hole in the tip of the cone just
large enough for a lady beetle to fit through - hopefully, they will
be able to enter but not exit.
They do not like smoke - try some strong incense near the places they
like to congregate and many of them should take a hike.
"Hello! My house in S. Ohio had been invaded for many years with
ladybugs, the convergent ones. They winter-over in the soil. And stay
in the house, get in your hair, food and vacuuming three times a day
doesn't really help much. Last year I put 40 green hedgeapples around
the house, and one in each room on a dish. This year I have had no
ladybugs in the house. It is just past the season for their beginning
to come in. Not much for scientific research but I am a happy camper."
Pesticides are not a good option as in this case the "cure may be
worse than the disease". Exterminators cannot guarantee good results
because they cannot guarantee the ladybug's elimination for any length
of time.
Additional Links:
Asian Ladybug Fact Sheet
Michigan State University Extension: What You Should Know About
Fall-Invading Ladybugs:
Ladybug links:
Invasion of the Ladybugs
Forum discussion: Ladybugs in the house?
Forum discussion: Cute Little Ladybugs in House:
Ladybirds Moving Indoors
I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please post a
clarification request before rating my answer. I didn't find anyone
recommending any kind of electronic device, either as a prevention or
a cure.
Thank you,
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"ladybugs in the house"
ladybug prevention house |
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Apr 2003 11:39 PDT
What are green hedgeapples? I also received this answer from an
electronic pest control seller (of course, I'm suspicious):
Dear Cynthia,
We have several customers using these units to repell ladybugs and
are having great success with them. It does not kill the
ladybugs, the unit is designed to drive the pests away and keep
them away. We have a 30 day money back guarantee and a 1 year
warranty on these products.
Thank you for your interest,
Good Life, LLC
What do you think? (You've done a great job providing resources; I'll
give you a high feedback rating! I know how much that means since I'm
a www. Amazon.com/shops/gstevens1 seller!)
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Apr 2003 13:52 PDT
Pest Repeller program (Actually, I'm intrigued by the hedgeapple
solution. Have written my agent to see if we might plant a couple of
trees on the property). Apparently, if you order these things online,
you have to put in your order early, because they sell like hotcakes!
Also, they're only available July through December...so I'm wondering
how long they'd last and if they'd keep on working once the spring
invasion arrived. Seems incredible that this might actually work!
I'll probably try this before investing in fancy electronic equipment.
You've been great, and much help. Thank you so much!
Clarification of Answer by
25 Apr 2003 14:43 PDT
Dear Cynthia,
I am happy you are happy - thank you so much for your kind words, fine
rating and tip, all are appreciated.
You know, I bet the fruit is available to buy, or perhaps you could
find someone with a tree or two to give you enough fruit to scatter
around inside and outside while you're waiting for your own trees grow
up. I think they work by discouraging insects to enter the house in
the fall so that there wouldn't be that many in the spring waking up -
being available July through December is perfect for you. Once winter
sets in, the ladybugs have already found a place to hibernate,
hopefully not in your house.
In case you missed it, here is the Electronic Pest Repeller site:
Thanks so much and I wish you well with your Hedgeapples, ladybug
prevention, and Amazon book shop.
Take care,