Passport Services requires more documentation re: my birth date and
birth place, as my birth certificate was submitted more than a year
after my birth. My problems with this request are as follows:
1) I have no hospital records; I was born at home.
2) I have no immunization records; my parents exempted me for
religious reasons.
3) I have no baptismal record; my church doesn't baptise as babies.
4) The only people who attended my birth were my parents and my
grandmother (the latter died in 1979 and did not ever leave a written
statement attesting to my birth date or place; my parents were
responsible for the 2 individual affidavits vouching for my birth on
my certificate).
5)Passport services says that early school records would be helpful,
but my early report cards only have my name on them, no d.o.b. or
other identifying information other than year attended.
6)Passport Services (via phone) told me that submitting a sibling's
birth certificate would be helpful, but I don't understand how as my
only sibling is younger than I am, it says nothing about me, and we
didn't live at the same address by that point in time.
7)Passport Services stipulates that "notarized copies and photocopied
documents are not acceptable for passport purposes".
Further information:
My birth certificate or "Finding and Order Establishing Registration
of Birth" was submitted when I was nearly 7, just in time for me to go
to school (late).
I don't believe I can secure census records on my family, as I don't
believe they are available for fairly recent years (aka 1980).
I have received my health record examination paper from my elementary
school (done when I was 7; when I began attending school), which
specifies date of birth.
For some reason, passport services will accept current affidavits of
my parents re: my birth, even though the previous affidavits were what
created the birth certificate they won't accept in the first place.
I am in process of obtaining the application for a Social Security #
that my father submitted, which should have that information (but it
requires 60 days delivery time and if I don't submit my info back to
Passport Services w/i 90 days they will cancel my request and I'll
have to start all over again, most likely with another $55 app. fee).
Thank you and I hope I've been thorough. |
Clarification of Question by
26 Apr 2003 19:34 PDT
I need to know what other types of records I should be looking for, if
there are any, that would give a date of birth and place of birth. I
am going under the assumption that as a legal resident, there MUST BE
a way for me to meet Passport Services' approval. It just doesn't
make any sense that I, who had no control over my birth and lack of
documentation of it, will be penalized by being unable in any and all
ways to obtain a Passport.