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Q: Paul Laffoley ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   7 Comments )
Subject: Paul Laffoley
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Visual Arts
Asked by: badabing-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 26 Apr 2003 15:44 PDT
Expires: 26 May 2003 15:44 PDT
Question ID: 195917
**for PINKFREUD please**

good weekend to you, o doctor of pinkology!

granny was groovin' on this guy's artwork today:

is "The Phenomonology of Revelation" the definitive book on Laffoley,
best price, and any way to tell if artwork is included?

I'd also be curious what his work has sold for but only if this info
is easily gettable.

forever in your debt,
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 26 Apr 2003 18:05 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Wow. Ow. I look at this guy's work for a few minutes and my brain
starts to twitch and sing "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida."

It's too bad that the fine art of LP album covers is long gone. Paul
Laffoley's visions would look great wrapped around some Pink Floyd,
methinks. Unfortunately, his art is not plentiful on the Web. The only
Laffoley work on which I could find a price is "The Alchemy of
Breathing," a numbered, limited edition silkscreen, for $750:

Roq La Rue Gallery of Strange Visions

Works entitled "The World Soul of Plotinus," "The Omega Point," and
"Geochronmechane: The Time Machine from the Earth" appear to be
available through the Kent Gallery, but no price is listed:

Art in Context: "The World Soul of Plotinus"

Art in Context: "The Omega Point"

Art in Context: "Geochronmechane: The Time Machine from the Earth"

Here you'll find contact info for two galleries that handle Laffoley's
work, including the Kent Gallery (mentioned above):

Art in Context

Regarding books about Laffoley, this may be of interest:

"Laffoley's paintings, theories and writings are best documented by
the following publications:

Grand Street Paul Laffoley: Speculations in Mind-Physics/ Work in the
Visionary Genre p.200-209. Essay by John Yau. 8 color plates. Spring
Raw Vision 'The Transcendent Epistemology of Paul Laffoley: Art from
the Boston Visionary Cell' by Mickey Cartin p. 50-55. Spring 1996
The Phenomenology of Revelation by Paul Laffoley, Edited by Jeanne
Marie Wasilik, published by Kent Gallery, New York. c. 1989"

Kent Gallery

In addition to "The Phenomenology of Revelation," this book also
sounds interesting:

Amazon: "Architectonic Thought Forms: A Survey of the Art of Paul
Laffoley, 1968 - 1999"

Regarding your question of whether any artwork is included in "The
Phenomenology of Revelation," I believe one can assume so, based upon
these short reviews of the book:

"Astral projection, time travel, and utopian construction... He's been
called the Leonardo DaVinci of the 21st century. Beautiful, intricate
drawings to get lost in."

Dirk Hine Digital Art & Design

"Not just an art book, it's philosophy, too! Lavish in Laffoley's
complex & evocative artwork, while edifying yourself with his
revolutionary take on our planet's impending evolutionary leap."

Roq La Rue Gallery of Strange Visions

Regarding best pricing, here is a used copy of "The Phenomenology of
Revelation" for $40:

ABE Books

And here's another used copy, for $49.95:


Search terms used:

"paul laffoley"
"boston visionary cell"

Thanks for a most unusual trip, Granny! The third eye in the middle of
my forehead is a bit bloodshot, but this has been truly interesting.


Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 26 Apr 2003 18:19 PDT
I had meant to include this. It's a link to an essay by Paul Laffoley,
about the classic SF film "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Fascinating
reading. An excerpt is below, but the entire essay is well worth

"In a sense, the movie was the first piece of collaborative
architecture ever done by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). He was
contacted in 1949 by Robert Wise to work on the set design because
Wise knew of Wright's interest in flying saucers from drawings in
progress using the flying saucer form. Both The Annunciation Greek
Orthodox Church (built 1956) and the Sports Club for Huntington
Hartford (unbuilt 1947) are examples.

Working with set designers for the movie, Thomas Little and Claude
Carpenter, Wright came up with the classic flying saucer profile: the
soliton wave or curve of normal distribution. The interior of the ship
was "lifted" right out of The Johnson Wax Company Administrative
Headquarters Wright had been working on since 1936. The horizontal
translucent plastic tubing motif was a perfect foil for the
Bauhaus-like control instruments."

Boston Visionary Cell

And here is a statement of the mission of Laffoley's "Boston Visionary
Cell," which isn't exactly the typical architectural firm:

Boston Visionary Cell

badabing-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
absolutely, positively great!  I may have to order both of them.  you
can't help but have a fondness for someone whose first word was
"Constantinople."  I was hoping this would be an interesting project
for you.  EXCELLENT, as always!

Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: denco-ga on 26 Apr 2003 18:37 PDT
Howdy Granny!  As always, you can sure pick them!

To enhance the Pink One's (as always) excellent answer.

New York's Kent Gallery has some of his serigraphs for sale as well.

Geochronmechane: the Time Machine From Earth - 1990
Serigraph in Colored Inks, with corrections by the artist
Coventry Acid-Free Paper Paper: 32 x 32 in. Image: 28 x28 in.
Price: $ 1,500. (unframed)

Color Breathing - 1983
Serigraph on Rag Paper Image: 20 x 20 in. Paper: 23 x 23 in.
Price: $ 750. (unframed)

They have a lengthy biography, etc. of him too.

Search Strategy:

Searched on Google with the keywords: "paul laffoley"

Looking Forward, denco-ga
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: badabing-ga on 26 Apr 2003 18:54 PDT
thank you both immensely for the help.  yep, Denco, they wanna do a
series called "Inside Granny"s Head" but I'm afraid of that darn bur
hole instrument.

the particular Laffoley I was interested in was this one (this link
disappears sometimes).  ya think it's entitled "Sanguine"?
I do like the additional ones you've found, so thanks a bunch, but
I'll hafta settle for the book.

as always, you're too good to granny!
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: pinkfreud-ga on 26 Apr 2003 19:37 PDT
Many, many thanks for the five stars and the ten clams, Granny! You
are more than generous!

If you do get one of those books, don't read it all in one night. I
suspect that looking at too much of Paul Laffoley's work in too short
a time might cause a person's head to explode, which makes for some
unpleasant carpet stains. I know you hate those. ;-)

Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: denco-ga on 26 Apr 2003 19:55 PDT
Howdy Granny!

The piece you like is actually titled "The Black White Hole"
according to this Dilettante Press web page.
The Black White Hole (1976)

The other page is from the sanguine Arts Network which is
what mislead you.

I couldn't find anyone that has a print of it for sale.

Looking Forward, denco-ga
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: badabing-ga on 26 Apr 2003 20:28 PDT
Dear Miss Pink:  I will indeed heed your warning.  I am running low on
my carpet stain supplies.  had a nasty coffee accident just this

Dearest of Dencos:  thanks for running that down but now I'm confused
or cross-eyed.  the first link says it's "The BlackWhite Hole" from
1976 but the second link says it's "Dimensionality" from 1992.  oooo,
and did you see when the painting pops in at EXTREME detail?  wow! 
oy, like I could afford either one of 'em.  oh, well, if only granny
were a *rich* eccentric.  thanks for all the help on this one,
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: denco-ga on 26 Apr 2003 22:26 PDT
Howdy Granny!

Yep, it is confusing as the sites have the names interwoven.

Between the two sites, I believe the Dilettante Press web page
might be the one that is the more accurate.

And yes, I would love to have the same one that you admire.  A
very nice piece.

Looking Forward, denco-ga
Subject: Re: Paul Laffoley
From: badabing-ga on 27 Apr 2003 03:51 PDT
yep, I tracked it through a slide at the Kent Gallery and it is "The
BlackWhite Hole."  can't wait to get the book!

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