Hello lofty-ga,
As you may already know, these records are Bessie Smith [Empress of
the Blues], Vols. 1 and 3.
"LPs: Blues/R&B" [entries 483 and 484]
Rare Blues Records
"Swaggie" [entries S1255 and S1264]
Prewar blues & gospel on microgroove, by Görgen Antonsson [home page
http://sunsite.kth.se/feastlib/mrf/yinyue/pw/intro.htm ]
The Görgen Antonsson site -- a site prominently listed in Google
Directory's Blues History category (
) contains a page with all of the titles on Swaggie S1255 and Swaggie
S1264. The titles are listed chronologically throughout the page, and
can be located by finding each instance of the album numbers on the
"Bessie Smith"
Prewar blues & gospel on microgroove, by Görgen Antonsson
The titles are:
Down hearted blues
Jail-house blues
Ticket agent ease your window down
Weeping willow blues
The St. Louis blues
Reckless blues
Sobbin' hearted blues
Cold in hand blues
You've been a good ole wagon
Nashville women's blues
Careless love blues
J.C. Holmes blues
I ain't goin' to play second fiddle
Nobody knows you when you're down and out
New Orleans hop scop blues
Black mountain blues
Jazzbo Brown from Memphis town
The gin house blues
Preachin' the blues
Back-water blues
Trombone cholly
Send me to the 'lectric chair
Empty bed blues - part 1
Empty bed blues - part 2
Poor man's blues
Me and my gin
He's got me goin'
Blue spirit blues
On revival day (A rhythmic spiritual)
Moan, you mourners
Long old road
Shipwreck blues
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google, Ixquick, and Kartoo:
swaggie s1255
swaggie s1264
görgen antonsson |