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How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: markabe-ga List Price: $2.00 |
28 Apr 2003 02:38 PDT
Expires: 28 May 2003 02:38 PDT Question ID: 196441 |
I came across a Website which sells a course on how to write a book in 14 days or less. The site is at http://www.writeabooknow.com Seeing as the course costs US$597, I don’t see myself ordering it anytime soon. There’s also an ebook that supposedly teaches this skill, which can be bought for a more reasonable US$49 at http://www.ebooksecretsexposed.com/7dayspecial.shtml I want to know what other resources there are on the Internet, as well as books, magazines, etc. I’m looking for proven material, rather than the fly-by-nighters that seem to make up so much of the Internet market. Stuff on how to market the book/ebook would also be most useful. | |
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Re: How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
Answered By: taxmama-ga on 01 May 2003 07:30 PDT |
Dear Markabe, You're right, there's a lot of junk out there. But there are some good tools, too. The two best books I know? (I have and use both.) Both are by really reputable people. Neither is expensive. Both have money-back guarantees: Ken Evoy's Make Your Words Sell $29.95 http://myws.sitesell.com/ Dennis Gaskill's (Boogie Jack) E-Book Farming $27.00 http://ebookfarming.com/ Save money by joining their affiliate programs first: SiteSell's will save you about 25% http://www.sitesell.com/affiliateprogram.html Boogie Jack's will save you 33% http://ebookfarming.com/affiliate.html Both books will help you organize your thoughts, find and develop your topic - and provide resources to help you publish, sell and market your book. Not bad for about 5% of the price you started with. ;~) Best wishes, Your TaxMama-ga | |
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Re: How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
From: kriswrite-ga on 28 Apr 2003 16:39 PDT |
HI markabe~ As the author of a dozen books, I'd advise you to stay clear of *any* book, website, etc. that promised to teach you a way to write a book "quickly and easily." Writing books is never easy (unless you aren't concerned about quality), and the process from writer's mind to published book is never very quick. Period. If you're serious about writing, whether it be for print or the Internet, the very best advice I can give you is to read recent books in the genre you're interested in writing for. Then you should pick of several "how to get published" books; again, make sure they are recent. Writer's Digest Books offers some excellent resources for would-be-published writers; you'll find their website at: www.writersdigest.com Writing is a lot of work, and you're not likely to get rich doing it, but with patience and persistence, it can a rewarding career, indeed. Good luck! kriswrite |
Re: How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 28 Apr 2003 19:25 PDT |
To quote Canadian writer Pierre Burton in his book, "The Joy of Writing," -- "So you're a writer," an examining physician remarked jovially to the late great novelist Margaret Laurence. "When I retire, I intend to become a writer." To which Margaret replied, cheerfully, "Yes, and when I retire I intend to become a brain surgeon." Markabe, if you're serious about writing, don't waste your money of too-good-to-be-true promises. Read everything you can get your hands on. Learn to tell the difference between good writing and bad. If you want to take a class, take REAL university level courses. And most of all, write! write! write! Oh, and buy this book: The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr., E.B. White, Roger Angell (Foreword) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/020530902X/qid=1051582983/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-7040678-0635862?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Even though you'll probably buy a zillion books on writing, it's really the only one you'll ever need. Good luck -K~ |
Re: How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
From: omnivorous-ga on 28 Apr 2003 21:15 PDT |
Do you believe in ghosts? http://www.ghostwords.com/ghost-writing-ghost-writers-rates.html |
Re: How to Write a Book Quickly and Easily
From: intotravel-ga on 04 May 2003 11:29 PDT |
Hi, I've just written (and deleted) stuff on How to Write Quickly and Easily... but looked at your question again: you really have three questions: (1) how to write quickly and easily, (2) how to write a book and (3) how to promote an ebook. (1) In my experience it was: learn by doing it. As a working journalist, I had to learn to write fast in order to meet deadlines, get published and get paid. "Hammer it out," as they used to say in the newspaper where I worked. It also helps to be working in conjunction with other writers, and that's why networking can be useful. (2) If I have an idea for a book, I make up a list of all the headings and subjects I want to discuss, write a list of objectives, and describe my intended audience; and from these three documents, I can begin a draft Table of Contents. (That's the way I wrote courses for a financial courseware company.) (3) Promoting an ebook is similar to promoting a website. Jill Whalen is a good source of info for promoting a site with search engines: www.highrankings.com It's also possible to promote your ebook without having a website ... for example, you can have affiliates to sell your ebooks. Here are some links from this site on the subject of affiliates: http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=145182 http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=27078 There are some good links on ebooks and websites on this page: http://www.selling-it.com/Pub_Articles/Articles_Ezine_Advice/Art5.htm best wishes, intotravel. |
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