Hello Robert,
Since none of the previous interlocutors came back
after your last clarification, I suppose it is OK for
me to answer - and provide any follow-up clarifications.
I am imagining your two tubes to resemble this classical experiment:
Commenter leoj-ga is correct pointing out that the
of the tube cancels out form the formula (below) so that it is
the density of liquid and atmospheric pressure, which will determine
the height of the column.
The instrument (inverted closed tube) is really first barometer
and as you correctly note, it has to do with maximal height to
which one can 'draw' a liquid:
Roughly: 760mm of mercury to about 10m of water should be
inverse of density of Hg to density of H2O (about 13)
To this day people measure pressure in mm of Hg (instead of using
SI units and say: Atmospheric pressure is about 100 kPa )
You are having good physical intuition, noting that some liquid will
evaporate (as nature does abhors vacuum, after all) and for
this reason, early instruments measured combination of both:
pressure and temperature. They nevertheless were useful for weather
The mathematics:
I was surprised when I did not find a page with calculation ready
Closest was a page with some numbers, like density of Hg and nice
So, here is the 'original' derivation :
Force= Weight of column = g * Volume * Density = g * Area * height
* Density
Pressure = 100 kPa = Force/Area = g * Density * height
That is the formula for height, D=Density is 1.0 for H2O, 13.5 for
in g/cc which we need to convert to kg/ m-cubed, as we do use SI
Oh! What about the vapor pressure?
Depending on the temperature and volatility of the liquid
(Hg is good here) it will counterbalance the atmospheric
So, in the formula above, you will use as Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure - Vapor Pressure
The tables of the later are on the Internet,
(see search termss below), for example, google
will reveal:
The vapor pressure of water is 20 millimeters of mercury
(room temperature) , so, effect does exist, as a small correction.
But, at the 100 C, it will reach the atmospheric pressure of 760 mm,
(which is the definition of the boiling point)
Search Terms
Torricelli Experiment
History of Barometer
atmospheric pressure, Pa
vapor pressure, water, mercury
This looks like a complete answer to me,
but feel free to ask for clarifications
and please do rate the answer after it is
all clear.
hedgie |