Hello didom-ga,
Hillary Clinton tried and failed. I doubt very much she would take on
this issue again. She is thinking about running for President in 2008
and is moving to the center to accomodate as many people as possible.
One person who does support universal health care is Dennis Kucinich,
a member of the House from Ohio. He is running for President in 2004.
You will find a web site below that explains his position on universal
health care.
Dick Gephardt, a democratic member of congress from Missouri also
supports universal health care. He, like Kucinich is running for
President in 2004. I've included his web site below.
Also included here is a web site to an organization (AMSA)that
monitors universal health care intitatives.
Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Rep Ohio
Univeral Health care Position:
Richard Gephardt, U.S. Rep Missouri
Campaign Web Site
American Medical Students Association
Univeral Health Care
Google Search Keywords:
kucinich 2004
gephardt 2004
"universal health care" legislation
I hope you find this information useful. Please do not hesitate to
request a clarification if you are not satisfied with this answer.
rapidreference-ga |