I have a couple of short questions on differential forms. Feel free
to use any standard facts for this subject matter; I can always ask
for clarification later if you use a result I'm not familiar with.
Abbreviations I will use:
R = real numbers
p = phi
w = omega
a # b = wedge product of a and b
q = p [the * is a superscript on the p, i.e., the pull back under p]
Let p : R x (0,pi) -> R by
p(r,t)=(r cos(t), r sin(t)). Calculate the value of q applied to
dx and xy dx # dy
dr and sin(t) dr # dt
whichever makes mathematical sense.
2) Let w be a differential k-form on a manifold M and let f : M ->
(0,infinity) be smooth. Show that d(fw) = 0 implies w # dw = 0.
Lastly, I would like an example of a 2-form w s.t. w # w is
non-vanishing. I am fairly certain this holds for a 2-form
such as
dx dx + dx dx ,
1 2 3 4
but am unsure how to formalize.
A solution within 24-48 hours would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
sincerely for your time. |