Hi lithoman,
Your questions have posed quite a challange and we hope that we can
shed some light on the subject for you.
What is the country of origin? France, issued by AFNOR (Association
Française de Normalisation) which sets the standards of many things,
such as communication technology, construction, transportation and
paper. All of their classifications begin with NF followed by a
letter(s) that denotes the subject. "Q" is a designation for paper. So
therefore, NFQ is the French Standard for Paper.
However, "NFQ" by itself doesn't say much - it is the numbers
following the letters that are important. For example, following are
four designations for "Essais des papiers et cartons" (tests of paper
and paperboard):
NF Q 03-027 (janvier 1968). - Essais des papiers et cartons. -
Détermination de la teneur en produits extractibles au
trichloréthylène des papiers et cartons paraffinés (homologuée le 26
décembre 1967).
NF Q 03-028 (janvier 1968). - Essais des papiers et cartons. -
Détermination du brillant des papiers et cartons paraffinés
(homologuée le 26 décembre 1967).
NF Q 03-031 (août 1968). - Essais des papiers et cartons. - Carton
ondulé. - Détermination de la masse au mètre carré (grammage)
(homologuée le 1er août 1968).
NF Q 03-037 (janvier 1969). - Essais des papiers et cartons. -
Vieillissement accéléré par exposition au rayonnement dune source
lumineuse. - Détermination de la résistance au vieillissement
(homologuée le 23 décembre 1968).
Here is another example of an AFNOR standard (NF Q 33-004 Affichage)
(Posters) - it starts on page 17:
AFNOR English website:
You can search at AFNOR Standards Online for a specific number or just
use some keywords. We did a search in the Words field for "paper".
From there you can search some of the reference numbers that come up.
If you already have a number, try searching for it in the Reference
field. You can derive some information for free but for the full
description of the standard, there is a charge.
In regards to "PdS-MOQUAL", it appears to be similar to NFQ in that it
is a Method for Testing standard, but we have been unable to find out
by whom. "PdS" probably stands for "Papetiers de Souche" (paper
stock), (followed by MOQUAL), and then it also is followed by numbers.
We know "PdS-MOQUAL 016" is the standard for International Paper,
Opacity in the moist form (translated from the Russian), according to
the following site. Note how MAP specifies either NFQ OR PdS MOQUAL
Method for Testing of its coated paper:
Additional links:
If you need a translator: Worldlingo.com:
AFNOR: Association Française de Normalisation qui, entre autres, a
défini les classes de papiers en fonction de leur composition
French association of Standardization which, inter alia, defined the
paper classes according to their fibre composition.
AFNOR et les LABORATOIRES TECHNIQUES ...brief statements of purpose /
In 1995, AFNOR adopted the ICS (International classement for
standards) - Number 85 is Technologie du papier (Paper Technology).
I hope this helps. If you have any questions, or if this hasn't
satisfied your request, please post a clarification request before
rating my answer. When (if) anything else comes to light, I will let
you know - we are awaiting replies from a few enquiries.
Thank you,
Search Strategies:
"Association Française de Normalisation" "nf q"
Norme Francaise qualite paper
"French association of Standardization" paper
afnor nfq
"French metrical standard" PAPER
etc. |