Here's a repost as the answer, with search strategy. Important note:
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Jefferson FAQ Natalie Bober
historian "In
addition to being the 3rd President of the United States, he was
also a lawyer, statesman, scholar, architect, and author. His
innumerable accomplishments include authoring the Declaration of
Independence, being an ambassador to France, helping to found the
University of Virginia, and authoring the Virginia Statute of
Religious Freedom. Although Thomas Jefferson founded the
Democratic-Republican Party, many of his actions as President were
typical of a Federalist. He was the strongest Federalist president due
to the Louisiana Purchase, keeping the National Bank alive, the fact
that he supported private enterprise, and the buildup of the US Navy."
APReview Service Incorporated
"Thomas Jefferson-political philosopher, architect, musician, book
collector, scientist, horticulturist, diplomat, inventor, and third
President of the United States-looms large in any discussion of what
Americans are as a people. Jefferson left to the future not only ideas
but also a great body of practical achievements. President John F.
Kennedy recognized Jefferson's accomplishments when he told a
gathering of American Nobel Prize winners that they were the greatest
assemblage of talent in the White House since Jefferson had dinner
there alone. With his strong beliefs in the rights of man and a
government derived from the people, in freedom of religion and the
separation between church and state, and in education available to
all. Thomas Jefferson struck a chord for human liberty 200 years ago
that resounds through the decades. But in the end, Jefferson's own
appraisal of his life, and the one that he wrote for use on his own
tombstone, suffices: "Author of the Declaration of American
Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and
Father of the University of Virginia."
Thomas Jefferson Memorial ---
Alexander Hamilton Article
Early Career of Hamilton
Federalist Leader
Search Strategy:
"thomas jefferson" "accomplishments include"
"thomas jefferson" FAQ
"thomas jefferson" impacted
"alexander hamilton" [w/ same above] |