My research is about building a resort in Dubai, U.A.E. . My target
market segment will be visitors from 1- E.U. countries. 2- C.I.S. (old
Soviot)countries. 3- sweeden,Finland, and Norway. 4- Australia. 5-
Arab countries.
Q1- Why they like to travel and what make them travil (separet reasons
for each groub).
Q2- What will be the compitition in resort(hotel) business.
Q3- Discuss the Porter's five forces of compititin framework:
A- Suppliers(airlines, travel agencies,etc....
B- Potentials Entrants(hotels, resorts, etc...
C- Indestry competitors
D- Buyers
E- Subsitutes.
NOTE: between 6 to 8 pages . and should be given within 48 huors. |