Hello chbeardmore,
What I believe needs to be done is to fix the pre-existing
installation of Britannica, reinstall it and then properly uninstall
it. After completing this procedure, you should be able to properly
install the newer version.
If you are using a Macintosh, please let me know and do not attempt
the solution given below:
The instructions below seem to be for most Windows versions of the
Britannica program, so if you have Windows you can go ahead and
attempt to use this solution. Anything in brackets [ ] was text that I
added to the "official" instructions.
Partial Installation: How to uninstall a partial or incomplete
Uninstalling and reinstalling Britannica using the following procedure
will usually resolve the problem that you are experiencing:
1. Click Start > Run.
2. Type the following command in the Run window that opens: regedit.
Click OK. This launches the Registry Editor program. [NOTE: be careful
to follow these instructions EXACTLY, editing the registry can
seriously harm your computer.]
3. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking on the plus sign (+) that is to
its left.
a. Open Software.
b. Open Microsoft.
c. Open Windows.
d. Open CurrentVersion.
e. Open Uninstall.
f. Click once on Encyclopędia Britannica Ready Reference and push the
Delete key on the keyboard. When you are prompted to confirm the
deletion, click Yes. Scroll all the way to the top. Close
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking on the minus sign (-) that is to its
4. Click Start > Find Files or Folders. In the Named: box, type in
Britannica. Be sure that the Look in: box reads, C:\ or Local hard
drives. Click Find Now. When the search is complete, delete all of the
search results. Close the search window. [To delete the search
results, highlight them all with your mouse and drag them into the
trash can on your desktop. Empty the trash can]
5. Click Start > Run and type in the following command: msconfig.
Click OK. This launches the System Configuration Utility.
6. Stay within the General tab. Click on Selective Startup. Remove the
checkmark from the box marked Load startup group items. Click Apply >
OK. Restart the computer.
7. When your computer reboots, press CTRL+ALT+Delete simultaneously on
your keyboard. This will open the Close Program window on Windows 98
and ME machines. On Windows XP, select the Task Manager from the list
of options.
a. (For Windows 98 and ME) within the Close Program window, follow the
procedures below to close each program listed in the window, except
for Explorer and Systray (Systray may not be running on your machine):
i. Click once on the name of the program so that it is highlighted.
ii. Click the End Task button. (A new window may appear stating that
the program is busy or waiting for input; click the End Task button in
that window as well.)
iii. Again, depress Ctrl+Alt+Del, making sure that the program you
just shut down is no longer displayed in the Close Program list.
iv. For any other programs remaining (except for Explorer & Systray),
perform the previous three steps for each until all have been shut
down. If none remain, click Cancel.
b. (For Windows XP) Open the Task Manager and follow the procedure
below to close all running tasks (under all user names, except
i. Click once on the name of the program so that it is highlighted.
ii. Click the End Process button. (If after doing this a Warning
window appears, click Yes in that window.)
iii. Perform the previous steps until all the programs that are
running (except those running under the user name System) have been
shut down. If none remain, you can close the Task Manager.
8. Once this has been completed, reinstall Britannica. [You can
attempt to install the newer version first. If it doesnt work,
reinstall the older version and then uninstall it using the Add\Remove
Programs in the control panel, and THEN installing the newer version]
a. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
b. Double-click Add\Remove Programs.
c. Click on the INSTALL button (please ensure that you have inserted
the correct disc for installation).
d. Click Next.
e. When you see the command line for installation (install.exe), click
Finish. You will see the Britannica installation wizard begin.
f. Complete the installation of Britannica by following the prompts.
9. Go through steps 6 & 7 and reapply the checkmark to Load startup
group items.
10. When your computer reboots, launch Britannica.
I hope this is the solution you were looking for. If you need any
clarifications, or further assistance, please let me know and I will
do my best to further help you.
Search Strategy:
site:support.britannica.com uninstalling britannica
uninstalling britannica
://www.google.com/search?q=site:support%2Ebritannica%2Ecom+uninstalling+britannica |