Hello puzzleman-ga,
I believe that the answer is Texas. A fellow Researcher,
pinkfreud-ga, has indicated to me that she believes that there is a
different answer. (I know that there is support for her possible
answer at least as to clues 2 and 4.) Accordingly, if you do not like
the answer I have submitted, please post a request for clarification
indicating what you think the problem with the answer is. That way, I
will be able to determine if my answer might still be correct after
some tweaking, while pinkfreud-ga will know whether her answer might
be a better solution.
I agree with pinkfreud-ga that "Rustlers Capital" is the hardest clue.
But I believe that Texas fits the bill, since it was the starting
point for four major cattle trails in the Old West. (This is
apparently one reason that the "Texas longhorn" is so reknowned.) My
sense is that rustlers could be found whereever there was cattle, but
the "rustlers capital", if anywhere, was Texas.
"Texas Cattle Trails"
PBS: New Perspectives on the West
"Cattle Rustling"
Red River Authority of Texas - Wichita Falls, Texas [Note: Wichita
Falls happens to be the home of a hockey team called the "Texas
"Salt Creek" is more straightforward. There are plenty of references
to "Salt Creek" in Texas.
"Searched pages from www.tsha.utexas.edu for 'salt creek' texas"
"Chuck Wagon", in my view, is the strongest indication that the answer
is Texas. The chuck wagon was invented by a Texan, Charles Goodnight
(whose name is also on one of the cattle trails referred to earlier).
"Chuck Wagon Central"
Lone Hand Western
A search for "Tent Town" (in conjunction with the word "Texas" or the
names of other states) on Google reveals various locations known as
"Tent Town" or a "tent town" in Texas and elsewhere. However, for
some reason this struck me as a clue that was not to be taken
literally -- and so I searched for "Teepee City". And wouldn't you
know it, Teepee City (or "Tee Pee City") was in Texas.
"Tee Pee City, Texas"
Red River Authority of Texas - Wichita Falls, Texas
My feeling is that, although the makers of this puzzle thought there
was only one answer, Texas is not the only possible answer. (This is
not like a mathematical puzzle, where the figures can only add up one
way.) There could easily be two or even several states where -- at
least if you look at them in a certain way -- there was or is a
"rustlers capital", a "salt creek", a "chuck wagon", and a "tent
In any event, I leave it up to your judgment as to whether the answer
suffices as it stands.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google (with and without the additional term
"cattle trails"
"cattle rustlers"
"salt creek"
"chuck wagon"
"tent town"
"teepee city" |