As part of a forecasting project, I would like to forecast future
periods based on historic timeseries of data. The data in the sample
attached is sales data from different products: the data is seasonal.
The objective is to forecast 9 periods ahead based on historic data,
basically to complete the data for 2003. The history of data is fairly
Already I have worked through a few forecasting methods both in
theory as well as spreadsheet implementations. These include single,
double exponential smoothing and Holt-Winters. I have used the
formula's and background mainly from this page:
My objective and question I would like to get answered is twofold:
- Firstly to collect a set of arguments, a review if you like, of
what the pro's and con's of the different methods are specifically for
the set of data provided. I have already read through a general
classification of the different methods as described here:
but I am looking for a little bit more specific on the data provided.
An important criterium is that the review is understandable for
non-math educated.
- Secondly I am seeking a founded recommendation on the optimal
settings (alpha, beta, gamma and initial values) for the holz-winter
smoothing method based on the set of data provided.
The HW formula's can be found here:
The answer should not only include the settings but also the related
forecast timeseries of the next 13 periods belonging to those
settings. Ideally a spreadsheet so I can reproduce the results. Please
address in the recommendation following:
What is the best setting for all 6 products ? What would be the
ideal setting for each individual of the 6 products. Does it make a
difference if the 6 individual products are forecasted versus the sum
of the 4, what is more accurate ?
Sample data starts here:
Product A Product B Product C
2000 1 131,354 112,752 198,366
2 188,935 165,473 208,376
3 202,453 176,231 208,265
4 188,859 159,369 208,851
5 161,065 121,484 204,284
6 166,700 129,079 209,007
7 160,094 118,146 205,493
8 170,038 133,994 210,737
9 187,966 156,692 222,392
10 213,999 183,012 224,084
11 223,759 193,645 221,593
12 207,936 182,237 228,416
13 154,805 136,922 219,348
2001 1 136,522 117,879 204,231
2 190,700 164,765 210,034
3 203,874 174,087 207,318
4 188,693 148,168 208,501
5 166,130 127,458 213,469
6 175,948 126,840 206,164
7 163,940 120,625 208,399
8 160,434 125,320 204,949
9 197,224 161,775 217,333
10 232,414 196,154 231,852
11 228,638 192,550 213,990
12 230,756 196,007 228,657
13 160,654 135,903 211,281
2002 1 148,455 123,501 206,761
2 202,038 172,497 201,169
3 209,522 171,344 202,196
4 180,051 135,488 192,942
5 178,589 135,986 196,790
6 179,649 131,272 213,377
7 174,772 125,608 200,446
8 173,384 126,417 205,346
9 199,096 155,394 209,602
10 226,374 186,883 221,842
11 226,766 193,218 211,542
12 215,986 184,514 223,362
13 160,358 138,143 204,869
2003 1 140,614 116,126 198,528
2 199,498 164,169 196,086
3 217,120 179,266 194,864
4 198,974 158,629 195,282
Product D Product E Product F
2000 1 32,464 4,364 7,594
2 36,011 6,028 7,519
3 32,846 9,267 8,138
4 33,627 11,009 8,666
5 33,221 21,148 9,223
6 34,543 18,859 8,258
7 31,569 21,396 10,267
8 33,686 16,362 9,274
9 35,101 11,756 8,611
10 36,407 7,418 10,115
11 34,448 4,525 10,699
12 35,522 4,508 8,691
13 29,229 4,580 6,908
2001 1 34,522 5,327 6,714
2 35,940 6,353 9,137
3 39,637 10,700 8,779
4 36,436 17,895 8,391
5 35,799 17,415 8,884
6 35,010 26,067 9,746
7 31,273 22,421 9,978
8 30,148 17,332 8,226
9 33,090 12,666 8,314
10 37,217 7,636 10,712
11 34,004 7,356 11,716
12 35,909 5,908 10,928
13 32,949 4,159 9,992
2002 1 35,394 7,527 7,363
2 36,696 7,772 8,067
3 36,443 10,764 7,929
4 34,911 19,868 7,308
5 36,420 16,494 8,624
6 36,959 23,641 8,789
7 33,899 24,467 9,040
8 33,902 22,652 8,899
9 34,246 14,749 8,758
10 40,693 8,963 7,899
11 37,677 5,052 10,001
12 37,383 5,416 9,246
13 34,038 1,889 7,824
2003 1 39,945 6,095 5,859
2 40,731 6,572 7,633
3 37,621 11,814 7,158
4 37,411 15,813 6,920
If you would like to have the data in a spreadsheet to save retyping
etc. please contact me, so I can sent it. |