Dear blair3535,
I could access the website. It is possible that something in your
computer's configuration causes your problem. To bypass this, I copied
the website's complete text with all links included for you, so you
can use it without having to access the site itself:
-- (Start of original website content) --
Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County
Information for Taxpayers and Voters
Campbell Union Elementary School District
-Vote No On Measure B!!-
This measure places a new $16 MILLION parcel tax before the voters.
With the local unemployment rate at 8.6%, now is the wrong time to
heighten financial burdens on already struggling property owners and
their tenants.
The state is facing a severe budget deficit. Schools will be receiving
less money. Why is Campbell Union Elementary School District asking
for a new special tax of $180.00 per parcel per year? This new tax
will be on top of existing property taxes. Money raised by this new
tax may be withdrawn by the state as no longer needed. There's no
requirement that any of it go to maintaining programs and services
that might be cut because of reduced state funding for our schools.
There's no requirement that most of it go to keep school libraries
accessible to students or preserve small class sizes.
This money could be used to fund already funded programs. Then the
original funds could be diverted to any spending, whatsoever,
including administrative salaries. This tax increase has been poorly
thought out from start to finish. Why is the board trying to subject
us all to higher taxes even after a $75 million bond Measure H passed
in March 2002? Why the big rush to get this tax increase before the
voters in a special election? This special election will cost the
district between $210,000 and $294,000 - money that is lost from
critical programs. The board hasnt fully considered whether budget
cuts can be made to free up funds for the stated purposes. Families'
budgets are being slashed throughout the districts homes - why not on
this school board?
You probably didnt know that the Campbell School District
commissioned Evans/McDonough Company to determine the feasibility of
passing a $180 per parcel tax increase. The survey is dated January
2003, document number: EMC#03-2772. Your tax dollars paid for it. Its
a matter of public record. Request your copy: 408-341-7254. Be an
informed voter.
Heres what they didnt tell you: The survey did NOT list Education as
the number one crisis facing Santa Clara County.
Unemployment: 22%
Traffic / Congestion: 14%
The Economy: 13%
Housing Costs: 7%
that only 56% of the voters in the District would support a
$180.00-per-parcel tax hike -- 10% short of two-thirds required for
We believe that the real questions to be asked are:
Why was extra money spent to hold a special election, when only 20%
believe it is addressing the most important crisis?
Why is the District spending money for an election when it has
evidence to show its tax wont pass?
Why are parcels partly outside the district taxed the full amount?
How many teachers salaries would have been covered by the money for
the survey and special election?
This is a badly timed, poorly conceived, knee-jerk measure.
Demand prudent decision-making. Demand good law. Vote NO on Measure B
Vote for responsible, planned, effective education spending.
You can be FOR students, FOR schools, and AGAINST Measure B.
Libertarian Party: Working to cut your taxes!
SmartVoter Web Site (LWV)
-What is the Libertarian Party for?-
We are for parents having more choices about where their children go
to school and what their children are taught there. And teachers
having more choices about who they work for.
There are lots of practical steps that Californians can take to
increase school choice: vouchers, tax credits for private school
tuition, easing regulation of private and home schools, taking back
local control of education from the State bureaucracy.
We are for taxpayers keeping more of the money they earn. With more
money in your pocket, you could spend more on the things that are
important to you: starting a business, buying a home, earlier
retirement, sending your children to art and music classes, charity.
With more money in everyone's pocket, the economy will grow.
Ideally, the Libertarian Party would like to see the separation of
school and state, for many of the same reasons that the Constitution
requires separation of church and state. Perhaps worse than the
potential for public schools to teach only one side of a controversial
issue is the pressure to dumb down what is taught to avoid offending
any point of view.
Read more about the Libertarian Party's views on education:
Information on this site has been provided by proponents and/or
opponents of the measure. Statements do not represent an official
position of the Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County unless so
-- (End of original website content) --
Source of the content above:
Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Scriptor |