Hello sail-ga,
A search for "atl marist" on Google reveals that it is associated with
telephone "country codes" 871 and 874. Accordingly, I searched on
Google for: "country code" 871 874. I found that these areas are not
islands or countries, but rather areas of the Atlantic Ocean ("Atl")
served by Inmarsat or Marisat ("Marist"). See, for example:
"DCCL - World Numbering Zone 8 - East Asia (including
Marisat/Inmarsat)" (22 August 2002) [scroll dowm to information for
871 and 874]
World Telephone Numbering Guide
Inmarsat, also known as Marisat, is "a collection of geosynchronous
telecommunications satellites used for telephone calls to aircraft,
ships at sea and drilling platforms."
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"atl marist"
"country code" 871 874
"country code" 871 874 inmarsat marisat
inmarsat marisat |