Hi clarinetumd,
I see why you were growing weary of searching for a tank but I have
good news! We were almost giving up ourselves when I gave a really
nice guy in Oregon, who is retiring and going out of business, a phone
call and he confirmed that he has your gas tank. Here is his contact
Mercedes Used Parts:
5875 N.W. Kaiser Road
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: (503) 690-7750
Fax: (503) 690-7735
Email: info@mercedesusedparts.com
The tank is used but in good shape. $175 + $100 shipping. No tax.
Here is what he told me. He said if you want to call around in
Washington DC and try to save yourself the cost of shipping, ask for a
114-115 Mercedes Fuel Tank. "Fuel Tank" includes both gas and diesel
and if you can pick up a diesel tank, all the better as they are less
prone to rusting. However, his is there ready to go and if you can't
wait any longer, give him a call. I can't emphasize enough how nice he
was and is perfect for your "Bottom line: I need a relationship
started between the merchant and me".
Additional info:
A tank is listed here but when I called them they said they didn't
have it (weren't nearly as friendly, either).
1973 Fuel Tank Mercedes 280 C 4BL,2.7
000577 $65 [free shipping]
A & A Auto & Truck Salvage
700 E. 21 St. Street Wichita, Kansas
Toll Free 1-800-566-9572
website http://www.aarecyclers.com/
You can search junk yards here:
Category: "foreign" or "classics"
Keyword: "mercedes"
Here are three salvage yards on the east coast from Junkyarddog:
1. GISCO Import Salvage
Merdedes and BMW parts exclusively.
City, State: Birmingham, Alabama USA
Local Phone: 205-320-1111
Toll Free: 800-438-7158
Fax: 205-320-1036
Email: chuck@giscoparts.com
2. Martins Import Salvage
We specialize in used import car parts. Mercedes
Benz,BMW,Honda,Toyota,Nissan, Jaguar, Mazda, Volvo, VW, Saab, Acura,
City, State: Wendell, North Carolina USA
Local Phone: 919-365-6667
Toll Free: 800-569-9711
Fax: 919-365-0543
Email: parts@martinssalvage.com
3. Mercedes Specialist
No Description Available...
City, State: Miami, Florida USA
Local Phone: 305-569-9949
I haven't heard back yet from the following three dealers:
1. Vintage Mercedes Specialist in Niantic CT:
2. Sun Valley Mercedes Dismantlers in Sun Valley CA:
3. Antique & Vintage Gas Tanks
12727 Greenfield Road, Detroit, Michigan, MI 48227, USA
Tel: + 1 (800) 932-2766
I know you have probably visited many of the same places that I have,
so there is no point in repeating the same list. Here are a few auto
parts search sites:
All Parts:
Car Part:
Part Trackers:
Auto Part Search:
Used Car Parts:
Junkyard Dog:
If you have your old tank, you might want to consider having it
Mercedes Models:
...links go to photos & e-mails from owners of MBs
...note: "280" 1974 & 1975 are "W114"
i.e., same as "280C", '73 - '75
I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please post a
clarification request before rating my answer. Enjoy your chat with
the fellow in Oregon.
Thank you,
Search Terms
"fuel tanks" mercedes
"gas tanks" mercedes
"mercedes parts"
"mercedes" used parts
"used auto parts" mercedes
mercedes-benz 1973
"mercedes-benz parts"
etc |
Clarification of Answer by
08 May 2003 14:11 PDT
Dear clarinetumd,
You are very kind and I do appreciate your enthusiasm, fine rating and
unexpected tip - thank you for all. However, it occurred to me last
night before I fell to sleep that perhaps I had stopped my search too
The fellow in Oregon clued me into the 114/115 chassis but
unfortunately I didn't speak to him until near the end of my search
yesterday. Since it was hard to believe that there isn't a tank
available on the east coast, I decided to have another look today and
sure enough, I found one in New York:
Address: P.O. Box 438
Chaumont, NY. 13622
Phone: 315 649 2861
Fax: 315 649 4100
Web: www.mostlybritish.com
E-mail: petroske@gisco.net
His email to me states "I have a good used one for $150 plus shipping
charges. I ship UPS daily."
I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't find one even nearer to you by
asking for a 114/115 Fuel Tank - I think that is the key that should
open up some doors, at least I hope so, anyway.
Again, thank you.